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  Tēma: Suggestions


The system changed so that you won't get bonus for success in CL and CWC anymore. I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with the drop and it's not only because of reduction of league levels. I hope someone with CL/WCW from bigger league could confirm if that also happened to them now.

In icehockey that happened for me this season and my total sponsors were reduced about 15% eventhough everything else affecting the sponsors was about the same as earlier.

Player wages are actually a bit lower with 3 league levels (and maybe employee costs too) but that doesn't really make a big impact.


How do you know player wages, employee wages, arena/fac costs is lower ????

Its the same.... and Iam 100% sure because they dont get any lower now than they was before !


When Finland lost one league level, some of my players were renewing new contracts that were worth less than the earlier ones made while there were 4 league levels. I don't think arena/fac costs are lower but I'm not sure about employees.


Yes i know that thing about CL/CwC

But last season over 30 managers in sweden confirmed that theye droppt 15-20% income.


The question is....

WHY should more divisions in a country gives more money/week ?


I do not understand why this is happening !? I really like this game, but right now I feel down because of this :(

Please check this,and fix this problem ! They should not have to end like this for all Swedish managers!


With this system....

Its better to have 10 Divisions and all teams have 100 in team strenght than have 3 Divisions and all teams have 300 in strenght ;)

Everybody can see that something is wrong !


Do you think that is fair? You are killing off top teams That's fair? Those teams have good managers and did not reach the top because of having it extra easy.


I'm sorry, but is this a joke?
When we complaint about this after last season you told us that it it Would be changed to this season. It couldn't be Done right away. So we had to wait one season... And now you say this...
I cant really express my disapointment in a good way, but i Will not trust anything more coming out from you.

PowerPlay Manager projekta izstrādātājs vlady

I think someone just interpreted the message wrongly to you. What we promised to do was to change the system so that losing a league level would not reduce the sponsor offers in the country. And that's what we did. But Sweden lost their 4th league level before the change. You are in the same boat with some other countries. If you gain the 4th level back, you will be back to where you were and guaranteed not to have your sponsors reduced again.

Also don't say that you cannot compete at the international level. There have been examples of teams in the past who were able to win the champions league even though they were from a smaller country.

PowerPlay Manager projekta izstrādātājs vlady

salaries are lower for sure.

PowerPlay Manager projekta izstrādātājs vlady

there is no difference between having 4 divisions and 10 divisions. just so everyone knows.

Der Löwe

So you say that the interped messages are not oficial from you? You suckerd us to hang on anohter season to se about the change. This is a low point for PPM. If there is no difference between 4 and ten, why does it need a difference between 3 and 4?


Since the discussion is about league levels and sponsors, i'd like to ask something. In Slovenia (hockey) we currently have 3 leaue levels. If i invite a friend to a specific team (from the option you added few season back) that is in IV. league, for example this one:


Would that open the IV. league and increase sponsor money in the country or would the manager be moved to a managerless team in a III. league?


"Be back to where you were". But that is not not correct, and you know it. You are playing with words. Teams are losing money now. To be back at where they were would mean getting compensation for money lost during the time of the "sponsorship penalty".

Being in the same boat as others does not make it ok. It just means more countries ar being handled unfairly.

It's obvious you feel that the penalty for countries with less than 4 leagues was wrong. Why would you have changed it otherwise?

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