Izvēlēties valsti: | Melnkalne |
Nema to veze...cak i jos bolje odmah ispocetka cemo radit na tomu da sto vece talente pronadjemo i usmjerevamo na pravi trening...ono sto sam predlozio i jest dugorocan plan
Novi PPM Magazin članak
Novi PPM Magazin članak
Novi PPM Magazin članak na:
Hello, Crna Gora!
I spend a lot of time playing PPM and I think that it would be a big challange for me to be the manager of Montenegro. Of course, I would have goals too.
The most important goal would be the qualification to the European Cup. I think that this team is sufficiently strong to qualify. I don't promise that with me the team would qualify but I can promise that I would do anything for the national team. But it's only possible with hard work: choosing the best players, the best tactics...
It is also important to pay attention to youth players. They aren’t many teams, but if youth players get to good teams (with good facilities and coaches), the Montenegrin PPM football will evolve.
I started to scout the best Montenegrin players, so vote for me to my work doesn’t be in vain.
If you have any questions, ask me and I will answer.
I spend a lot of time playing PPM and I think that it would be a big challange for me to be the manager of Montenegro. Of course, I would have goals too.
The most important goal would be the qualification to the European Cup. I think that this team is sufficiently strong to qualify. I don't promise that with me the team would qualify but I can promise that I would do anything for the national team. But it's only possible with hard work: choosing the best players, the best tactics...
It is also important to pay attention to youth players. They aren’t many teams, but if youth players get to good teams (with good facilities and coaches), the Montenegrin PPM football will evolve.
I started to scout the best Montenegrin players, so vote for me to my work doesn’t be in vain.
If you have any questions, ask me and I will answer.
As assistant I would choose somebody from Montenegro, who knows the managers and who could help me to communicate with managers who cannot learn English.
One more thing: I've been in Montenegro, your country is very beautiful.
One more thing: I've been in Montenegro, your country is very beautiful.
Thank you for your comment about beauty of our Montenegro
Господо, може ли ми неко рећи зашто не игра у свом представљању мог играча Manojlo Milanović ? А није ни позван на предс акцију?
Gentlemen, can anyone tell me why it does not play in your representation of my playerManojlo Milanović ? And not even invited to repre action?
Gentlemen, can anyone tell me why it does not play in your representation of my playerManojlo Milanović ? And not even invited to repre action?
Yes I did ... and I came back without my written post replies
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