Mihály Somodi
Goalkeeper 100(88) 32(76) 67(91) 64(82) 32(90)
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Saudo Arabija |
Deadline 1-3hours, superr players:
Valentin Rendulić -OR-298,Universal central mid.5/6.Mid(83)/Pass(53)/Tech(52)
Josef Vychodil -OR-302,Universal wing mid.5/6.Mid(102)/Spead(73)
Verners Lucītis -OR-335, Perfect Mid6/6,age-15.
Dominiks Bratuško -Or-279,Perfect forvard,6/6,age-15.
Jānis Paipals -OR-358,Very good def.97/44/45/44/44/.exp-41
Mihály Etyeki -OR-272,Very good goalkeeper/110,age-17
Remus Plopeanu -OR-242,Very good forvard,5/6...69(90)/34(81)/35(71).75%
Vairis Ciekurs -OR-291,Pefect left def,6/6,age-15
Inārs Kazītis -OR-270,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Eventijs Miestiņš -OOR-266,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Alekss Leimanis -OR-266,Perfect right mid,5/6,age-16
Mamerts Blaumanis -OR-288,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Lukáš Dub -OR-256,Universal mid(106),,,78%
Jure Bunić -OR-252,Universal mid,93(95)/23(77)/20(/91)/20(76)..81%
Valentin Rendulić -OR-298,Universal central mid.5/6.Mid(83)/Pass(53)/Tech(52)
Josef Vychodil -OR-302,Universal wing mid.5/6.Mid(102)/Spead(73)
Verners Lucītis -OR-335, Perfect Mid6/6,age-15.
Dominiks Bratuško -Or-279,Perfect forvard,6/6,age-15.
Jānis Paipals -OR-358,Very good def.97/44/45/44/44/.exp-41
Mihály Etyeki -OR-272,Very good goalkeeper/110,age-17
Remus Plopeanu -OR-242,Very good forvard,5/6...69(90)/34(81)/35(71).75%
Vairis Ciekurs -OR-291,Pefect left def,6/6,age-15
Inārs Kazītis -OR-270,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Eventijs Miestiņš -OOR-266,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Alekss Leimanis -OR-266,Perfect right mid,5/6,age-16
Mamerts Blaumanis -OR-288,Perfect mid,6/6,age-15
Lukáš Dub -OR-256,Universal mid(106),,,78%
Jure Bunić -OR-252,Universal mid,93(95)/23(77)/20(/91)/20(76)..81%
Ivan Pata doctor OR 66(25/41)Roman Dražil sport. director OR 63(47/16)
Július Gach coach, OR 72(36/36)
Július Gach coach, OR 72(36/36)
József Lajtos forward 16y. or305
Jure Dujmović forward 17y. or292
Richard Noll defender 15y. or308
Kristián Vavrečka midfielder 17y. or281
Viktor Půta goalkeeper 17y. cz282
and more players ... deadline today
Vít Korytář manager or71
Jure Dujmović forward 17y. or292
Richard Noll defender 15y. or308
Kristián Vavrečka midfielder 17y. or281
Viktor Půta goalkeeper 17y. cz282
and more players ... deadline today
Vít Korytář manager or71
I know that you need a good goalkeeper for the finals of the championship, and after that for the League Cup and for next season, so I offer my...you will not regret it...
Fulvio Knöpfli
Fulvio Knöpfli
For sale superr staff:
Indulis Fiļimonovs -Coach 37/36
Edgars Reinholds -Coach 16/43
Helmuts Brakovskis -Physiotherapist 70/12
Und superr players:
Josef Vychodil -Or-302,Career5/6.Universal Side midfielder-Mid102/Spe73
Valentin Rendulić -OR-299,Career5/6.Universal Centre midfielder-Mid83/Pas53/Tec53
Mihály Etyeki -Or-273,Age-17.Very good Goalkeeper.Goa-111(89)
Indulis Fiļimonovs -Coach 37/36
Edgars Reinholds -Coach 16/43
Helmuts Brakovskis -Physiotherapist 70/12
Und superr players:
Josef Vychodil -Or-302,Career5/6.Universal Side midfielder-Mid102/Spe73
Valentin Rendulić -OR-299,Career5/6.Universal Centre midfielder-Mid83/Pas53/Tec53
Mihály Etyeki -Or-273,Age-17.Very good Goalkeeper.Goa-111(89)
Ivo Mizer Goalie. 358 OR 61%. 3.000.000
Tommy van de Wijngaart Defense (wing) 348 OR 71%. 1.500.000
Hubert de Vrieze Defense (central) 342 OR 72%. 1.500.000
Tommy van de Wijngaart Defense (wing) 348 OR 71%. 1.500.000
Hubert de Vrieze Defense (central) 342 OR 72%. 1.500.000
Josef Metelka GK 18y. 5/6, OR 352, Jaromír Klement D 15y. OR 298, Marek Kalvas D 16y. OR 303, Jan Nebesář D 15y. OR 335
GK - OR 298 Robert Bisek
GK - OR 275 Bartosz Arseniuk
LB - OR 264 Wiktor Lenard
CB - OR 340 Georgiy Sylyuk
CB - OR 273 Michał Kolasa
LM - OR 286 Mikołaj Buczarski
CM - OR 281 Tomáš Rychlý
RM - OR 298 Kamil Sapkowski
CF - OR 269 Adrian Białek
CF - OR 284 Norbert Barszcz
CF - OR 337 Tadeusz Siwiec
GK - OR 275 Bartosz Arseniuk
LB - OR 264 Wiktor Lenard
CB - OR 340 Georgiy Sylyuk
CB - OR 273 Michał Kolasa
LM - OR 286 Mikołaj Buczarski
CM - OR 281 Tomáš Rychlý
RM - OR 298 Kamil Sapkowski
CF - OR 269 Adrian Białek
CF - OR 284 Norbert Barszcz
CF - OR 337 Tadeusz Siwiec
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