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An interview with one of establishers of PPM: tuttle, 2. part

An interview with one of establishers of PPM: tuttle, 2. part

Here is the second part of interview with tuttle.

RA: When did the idea to make something like this come up? And who came with the idea?
t: This idea came up halfway through 2007. We had been working with Gioel on HA and we were dissatisfied with the direction it was going there.

RA: How did you actually get to know Gioel and maxo?
t: Maxo has been my friend since my youth and I know Gioel from HA. When he came to work in Bratislava I took him under my wings. That is how we got to know each other better.

RA: How many hours daily/weekly/monthly are you spending on PPM?
t: About 8 hours a day including weekends.

RA: I heard, that because of the project you aren’t sleeping sometimes in the bedroom with your wife. Is that true?
t: Well, we have a small child and it needs quiet in the evening. Because I work with the computer I can’t be in the bedroom, because I would disturb my boy. Unfortunately skype and calls are the basis of my work and most of them are done in the night, because of the time shift and because people are at home. Therefore I sleep in a small room. But I believe that this will end in a few months. Office will hopefully make it easier.

RA: What’s your attitude to sports?
t: Very positive. I only play tennis these days, my weight doesn’t allow me a lot
J. Apart from that I watch everything on TV that has some Slovak interest, for example biathlon, cross country skiing…

RA: Do you attend ice-hockey or football games?
t: I used to attend every game in days gone by. Today I mostly attend international games. Unfortunately it’s going downhill.

RA: The question that has been asked many times is how long will the testing last and when will the full version be launched?
t: We are under financial pressure. Our internal deadline is April 1, 2009

RA: If you still have a lot of work, tell us the most important things, that you are doing now.
t: Player and staff market, then account charging system and the PRO functions.

RA: Thanks a lot for the interview and good luck with the project.

記事の評価: いまいち - Normal - すばらしい     ユニークビュー: 24

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