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An interview with one of establishers of PPM: tuttle, 1. part

An interview with one of establishers of PPM: tuttle, 1. part

Roman Abramovic: Well, introduce yourself a bit. What is your name, where are you from and how old are you?
tuttle: My name is Ivan, I am from Bratislava and I am 34 years old.

RA: Where did your nickname and name of your PPM team come from?
t: Nick is from my favourite character in TV show MASH. Captain Tuttle was doctor who didn't really exist... something like me right now . The name of the team is according to street where do I live - Budatínska.

RA: You are one of  the constituent members of PPM. What is the scope of your employment in PPM?
t: Well, I am the leader of the project, so I keep this together. I communicate with everyone concerned and I try to see trough everything. Especially I am in charge of supporting team.

RA: What does the supporting team mean for ordinary people?
t: Supporting team are every people who help us. They're developers, captains and assistents of national supports, translators, testers, GM, mods and helpers.

RA: Could you introduce us that supporting team?
t: Developers are true members of team. They make development. Captains are  my amanuensis for whole country: mainly commercial, solving of comunity problems. They choose assistents who help them. Translators are obvious, their boss is vlady. Testers test first versions of gaming stuff. GM control deceptions, their boss is Sarth. Mods control forums and finally there are helpers.

RA: So you are the chief of this project. Could you tell us how much does PPM cost monthly?
t: Soon monthly charges will exceed 3000€.

RA: Who does it pay now?
t: So far three part owners s.r.o. of theirs - thats me, Gioel and maxo. We owe some money.

RA: And what do you actually pay?
t: Motion of s.r.o. costs some money, servers, soon office and programmer and other things. We don't pay ourselves anything.

This is the first part of the interview, the second will be published tomorrow. You will also hear what has tuttle had to sacrifice because of the project.

記事の評価: いまいち - Normal - すばらしい     ユニークビュー: 34

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