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  נושא: Draft

Cory Martin

My "A" d-man turned out to be 3.5 stars just like one of my B forwards. He had Aggressiveness in the 60s and he was an A? I have level 14 HR and 100% scouting, you'd think they would have assessed him a bit more accurately...

בעל חבילת תומך ארה capsaicin

My A+ center has the following qualities unscouted: 99-93-99-89. He also has 359 to start the season (which for my sports academy is like pulling a 500 OR player with a level 15 sports academy). The only problem is that he has 5/6 CL.

Since my facilities will soon be good enough to train him, I am leaning towards keeping him, though I am curious how he would do on the market.


i have 1 a+ found thats it


damn!!! 2 hidden gems in my draft!!! One was selected right before my pick and the other right after!!!

I managed to select the 2 As I scouted plus a B.
the 4th player it showed as C although i scouted as B.

hopefully 2 studs as Angel Berry :)


Bombsville Atomis (tujague ) found one hidden gem in our league, 1.1. Congratulations


We had a draft today? Awesome. I wonder if the gem is one of the guys I chose to move up in the hopes of finding a gem...


wait wait wait wait wait...you weren't present at the draft? if so, that's some awesome luck dude. Go play the megaball or something.


i did get my A+ center turns out he is a A but cant complain, second pick i tried for gem with d player no luck hes a d lol. congrats tujague on gem and thank you to capsaicin for the games


It seems like we left 3 other gems on the board. L-)


I wasn't there, but I must have chosen him. That's the only way I could get a D. I sorted by Potential and then moved a handful of D rated guys behind the Bs looking for Gems. If the other teams had taken all of the Bs by my fourth pick, I think I could have gotten two gems. One of the undrafted gems had a name I remembered. I'm not sure if I actually moved him up the list, or if he was even second in line, but that would have been epic!

When did the hockey drafts move to Friday? I thought the drafts were a weekend thing. I did see the notice for the draft on Friday and I almost reported it as a bug, but I was in a rush':)


The second player I scouted (Defenseman) was an A after the report. Someone drafted him second rnd. turned out to be A+. Don't remember his name.


How can you tell if someone is a gem before the draft happens? Or am I wrong in thinking that?


No, I was only guessing:) I randomly picked out interesting names and moved them up the list just in case I was busy on Sunday (when I expected the draft to happen). I just got lucky that Beasley (?) was a gem. And I got really lucky that one of the other gems was (possibly) on my list.

אדם שמקורב לקבוצת המנהלים canucks357

There is a gem icon beside their name in the draft once everything is shown. If you picked one it'll be obvious because they come in as superstars.


I see. I was wondering if you could tell before the draft happened. But I guess not.

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