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Ce sfaturi mi-ai putea da sa reduc cheltuielile zilnice cu intretinerea stadionului pe zi ca sunt foarte mari

De la pag 1 pana la ultima!
Nivelul facilitatii de intretinere cat de mare poti si angajati cat mai mari pe intretinere si cat mai mici pe securitate.


nu m-ai ajutat deloc Miluca oricum ms de raspuns


Daca construiesi Centru de Presa pe sector de 10000 locuri si pui 2 pe fiecare sector vei primi oferte mai bune de la sponsorul media?

PRO paki omanik Rumeenia Andrei Vlad

E un baiat asistent in echipa Romaniei...are cumul de functii...o sa iti raspunda el...:D 8-D



Riikliku tugimeeskonna kapten Rumeenia leonidas2

Din regulament (ghid):

Orice arenă din lume se uzează în timp. Pentru a minimiza costurile pentru întreținere și a evita daune mai mari create de fani, trebuie să construiești un centru de întreținere. Poți să angajezi un specialist - îngrijitorul arenei, pentru a crește influența centrului de întreținere.

Din propriile cercetări ale forumului:

La nivel 15 pentru toate facilitățile importante și stadion maximizat, întreținerea merită ridicată doar până la nivel 12, cu angajați de 200 SA, pentru obținerea unor reduceri substanțiale ale notei de plată, comparativ cu prețul întreținerii facilității și al arenei.


Eu as vrea sa stiu ce tip de ingrijitor de stadion sa iau cu 100 pe ingrijire sau pe 100 pe securitate legat de stadion doar de stadion nu de facilitati ca de facilitati am lvl mic momentan si am 130k pe toate dar la stadion deja am 900k intretinerea pe zi deci e mult si am doar 62k locuri deci pana la 80k o sa mai urce si cheltuielile cu stadionul presupun

Riikliku tugimeeskonna kapten Rumeenia leonidas2

Nu îți trebuie maximizat îngrijitorul. Efectul salariului său va anula reducerea pe care o obții... Sau poate m-am exprimat eu greșit mai sus...


cum adica salariul ingrijitorului ce treaba are cu cheltuielile pe arena asta vreau sa stiu daca exista ceva sa poti minimiza cheltuielile zilnice cu intretinerea stadionului

Riikliku tugimeeskonna kapten Rumeenia leonidas2

păi salariul îngrijitorului e mai mare cu cât e nivelul său mai mare, iar reducerea cheltuielilor s-ar putea să nu acopere această diferență rezultată.
îngrijitor, 90K salariu zilnic, 5% reducere din 900k înseamnă 45K reducere, deci în fapt pierzi 45K pe zi.


dc e doar 5% reducerea ca nu inteleg cu ce influentezi acel % si cum il poti mari de ex?


si atunci nivelul facilitati intretinere ce rol mai are ca nu mai inteleg nimic

Riikliku tugimeeskonna kapten Rumeenia leonidas2

Many people see the maintenance center and custodians as a waste of money. However, I can assure you that is not the case. There have been studies conducted and thanks to the level of detail in the guide it is pretty well known, if not known exactly, how expenses work in terms of infrastructure. I have had the privilege of being sent a spreadsheet that calculates your total expenses and how much your current level of maintenance center and custodians will save you. After playing around for a bit I found something shocking, while I was saving a tonne of money thanks to my maintenance center, my custodians were actually losing me money. I was paying them more in yearly salary than they were saving me over the course of a season. So I took to figuring out what the optimal staff abilities were. Turned out that for my level 13 and under facilities my peak maintenance efficiency considering their salaries was 35.2% efficiency. Likewise, my 10,900 seat arena needed a 49% efficiency for security service for peak savings. When I mention peak savings I am referring to the total money saved considering the staff members attributes and the salary allocated with those attributes.

So what about the maintenance center itself? Surely it must be worth the money invested. The answer, in short: yes, given enough time. Let's look at a few scenarios, firsrt without any custodians:

Scenario 1:
6x Level 10 Facilities
8x Large With Seats (600)
No Amenities
No Arena Upgrades

With level 1 Maintenance Center you will pay $441k/day in costs (49M/season). With level 5 $417k (47M/season) and with level 10 $361k (40M/season).
So with level 10 you'll save 9M/season compared to level 1 Maintenance Center. The cost to build up from level 1 to level 10 Maintenance Center is 34.5M! Which would mean it would be four seasons before you'd start paying off that upgrade from level 1 to level 10.

Scenario 2:
6x Level 13 Facilities
8x Double Floor Multifunctional (1500)
3 Amenities/Section
2 Arena Upgrades Each Type

With level 1 Maintenance Center you will pay $1.6M/day in costs (178M/season). With level 5 $1.5M (167M/season) and with level 10 $1.3M (140M/season).
So with level 10 you'll save 38M/season compared to level 1 Maintenance Center. The cost to build up from level 1 to level 10 Maintenance Center is 34.5M as stated before... this means that you'd be saving money in your first season alone with having level 10 Maintenance Facility. Already it is paying off to build your maintenance center up because the level of facilities and your arena are justifying it.

Scenario 3:
6x Level 15 Facilities
8x Triple Multifunctional (2500)
10 Amenities/Section
5 Arena Upgrades Each Type

With level 1 Maintenance Center you will pay $3.6M/day in costs (405M/season). With level 5 $3.4M (381M/season) and with level 10 $2.8M (316M/season). Take level 15 Maintenance Center and you're down to $2.0M/day which is $220M/season. It costs around 240M to build level 15 from level 1. This means after the first season those savings will be pure profit... Imagine getting a sponsor deal that is 14M/week higher than the year before! All of this is without the influence of staff. Consider staff and that 2.0M/day can go as low as $966k/day with 2x 100/100 (not including their salaries) but don't start buying 100/100 custodians just yet. It's not that easy. I've shown how a high level of facilities can easily justify a high level of maintenance center while lower level of facilities have a much longer time window for payout. Let's consider staff now and their associated salaries.

First, let's go through the three scenarios again this time with 2x 25/25 staff, 2x 60/60 staff and finally 2x 100/100 staff. The 2x 0/0 Staff refers to what your savings will be without any staff in each scenario. Then look at what happens when staff are added. If the staff savings are negative, having staff with that ability given that level of Maintenance and the rest of the scenario facilities + arena/amenities will actually lose you money compared to not having any staff at all. Perhaps it is best to look at an example:
Consider Scenario 1 level 5. The baseline savings is $24k/day. With two 25/25 staff you'll lose $2k/day and only save $22k/day, with 60/60 you'll lose $-76k/day and will be -$52k/day compared to level 1 and zero staff. With two 100/100 custodians you'll be -$383k/day below the level 1 no staff mark and thus -$359k/day below the level 5 no staff mark. All these overall savings values are illustrated in the brackets after the savings that include staff salaries. Please note, I'll bold the best possible savings for each level of maintenance center in each scenario and furthermore make the font blue for the overall best staff/maintenance center combination in each scenario.

Scenario 1:
6x Level 10 Facilities
8x Large With Seats (600)
No Amenities
No Arena Upgrades

2x 0/0 Staff:
Level 1: $0 + Staff Savings
Level 5: $24k/day + Staff Savings
Level 10: $80k/day + Staff Savings

2x 25/25 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$5k/day
Level 5: -$2k/day (+$22k/day)
Level 10: $7k/day ($87k/day)

2x 60/60 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$84k/day
Level 5: -$76k/day (-$52k/day)
Level 10: -$52k/day (-$45k/day)

2x 100/100 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$396k/day
Level 5: -$383k/day (-$359k/day)
Level 10: -$343k/day ($-336k/day)

Scenario 2:
6x Level 13 Facilities
8x Double Floor Multifunctional (1500)
3 Amenities/Section
2 Arena Upgrades Each Type

2x 0/0 Staff Savings:
Level 1: $0/day + Staff Savings
Level 5: $91k/day + Staff Savings
Level 10: $338k/day + Staff Savings

2x 25/25 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$3k/day
Level 5: $9k/day ($100k/day)
Level 10: $42k/day ($380k/day)

2x 60/60 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$78k/day
Level 5: -$50k/day ($41k/day)
Level 10: $31k/day ($369k/day)

2x 100/100 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$387k/day
Level 5: -$340k/day (-$249k/day)
Level 10: -$204k/day ($134k/day)

Scenario 3:
6x Level 15 Facilities
8x Triple Floor Multifunctional (2500)
10 Amenities/Section
5 Arena Upgrades Each Type

2x 0/0 Staff Savings:
Level 1: $0/day + Staff Savings
Level 5: $209k/day + Staff Savings
Level 10: $795k/day + Staff Savings
Level 15: $1,649k/day + Staff Savings

2x 25/25 Staff Savings:
Level 1: $1k/day
Level 5: $27k/day ($236k/day)
Level 10: $104k/day ($899k/day)
Level 15: $244k/day ($1,893k/day)

2x 60/60 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$68k/day
Level 5: -$5k/day ($204k/day)
Level 10: $178k/day ($973k/day)
Level 15: $515k/day ($2,164k/day)

2x 100/100 Staff Savings:
Level 1: -$370k/day
Level 5: -$264k/day (-$55k/day)
Level 10: $40k/day ($835k/day)
Level 15: $602k/day ($2,251k/day)

Clearly, having the right skilled custodians for your level of facilities and arena/stadium is critical to saving money. There are some interesting results. For Scenario 1, no staff combination that I tested would make you money. If you had Level 1, 5 or even 10 Maintenance Center you were best to carry no staff, while having level 10 maintenance saved you the most. For Scenario 2, level 1 Maintenance Center would work best with no staff while level 5 and level 10 maintenance centers made you the most money with two 25/25 custodians (the overall best money was with 25/25 staff and level 10). Lastly, Scenario 3 (with everything maxed out) worked best with 25/25 staff at level 1 and 5, 60/60 staff at level 10 and 100/100 staff at level 15 (with the most money to be made with level 15 maintenance and 100/100 staff).
This clearly illustrates that high skill staff are only worth their while on high level facilities. You 100/100 coaches will train your players faster, sure. But with a level 12 training facility how much better are they than their 60/60 counterparts? If you follow the logic in the custodian analysis it may not be worth it.

Riikliku tugimeeskonna kapten Rumeenia leonidas2

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