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  Teema: Senior Canada National Team

PRO paki omanik Kanada paulroedb

Well it seems nkullar didn't know that. It seems I didn't know that. I guess everybody else did though...

Yeah, I saw your messages back to Jetstar Samuel, as did others. Sorry, I didn't bother to save them...

Only thing I have on Jetstar is that luckily I just never had to admit having you on my friends list at all...

PRO paki omanik Kanada paulroedb

How about you go get some rest Samuel? I am pretty sure Mandy is warming up now and getting ready to do his shift on the game forums...

PRO paki omanik Kanada paulroedb

By the way, if anyone is interested in running a national team then throw your name in to run the Dutch Seniors. There are only a couple of days left and then, if no one runs, the team sits empty for a season.

The Dutch program is very poor, but the GM's that play are a nice bunch. I am proud to run the Dutch U20, simply because there isn't the rancid stink that covers the national game like here in Canada. If you have never run a national team, I would be happy to offer any support.

But I won't run the team. I won't hide in the shadows and pull strings. I won't lie to cover things up and gather people around me. You run the team. I will just give advice.


PRO paki omanik Kanada JetStar

Paul's cult? That's funny, I ran for manager before he even offered me his help. I unfriended you because you were starting to get in your feelings with the personal attacks and started talking about me as a person (and what you think of me as a person) instead of simply asking questions about the game.
I'm rocking with Paul because he is the only one that offered me help at the beginning of my campaign, none of you did. You prefer the (mediocre) statut quo

PRO paki omanik Kanada JetStar

Honestly I see you guys have a lot of history.

I'm an old timer too, as you can see on the creation date of my profile I have been playing for longer than most of you (had to take a break at some point), but since I'm not part of your little country club it seems like it's impossible for me to get any kind recognition.

None of you even took the time to go on my profile and see I have indeed been playing for 14 years (see nkullar speech pretending that he has been playing for longer) and automatically discredited my candidacy when I first tried to gain support.
So can you guys really blame me for associating myself to someone who believes in me and answered my questions?

I've done a good job rallying people by staying true to myself and contacting fellow D2 GMs (those you guys seem to not care about).
I have an actual desire of improving the team. You can also clearly see that my team has been getting better results every season and that I often beat stronger teams.
But it just seems that none of that matters to y'all. You guys only want someone from your little club to run the team so you can pat each other on the back anytime you beat up on a bottom-5 team, without actually caring about running the right counter-tactics and beating stronger teams. That's why I'm using the word ''mediocre'' a lot.

Oh well, the vote is tight, maybe I'll win, maybe I won't, but I won't give up that's for sure. I will keep rallying those believe in me until the voting phase is over.

PRO paki omanik Kanada JetStar

Also, might I add, you guys' lack of consideration for about almost half of our managers who have french as their primary language (not everyone is fluent in english) by not even being arsed to copy paste a speech in Google Translate, to show that you give a f*** about our people, just goes to show how lazy (or disrespectful?) your management style is.

C'est définitivement une des raisons m'ayant incité à vouloir prendre la place!! Puis je vous garantie que je suis pas le seul à penser ça!!

Sur ce, I'm wishing you the criss de belles élections. It's been a pleasure being the country club's enemy #1, and hopefully next season will be a new beginning for our senior team :)

PRO paki omanik Kanada Bobby Jay

It's so damn easy to be indiscriminately critical.! I trust that I'll be able to resist the temptation when my turn comes.!
C'est tellement facile de critiquer sans discernement.! J'espère que je pourrai résister à la tentation quand mon tour viendra.!

PRO paki omanik Kanada SamuelCarrier

I'll give you one thing Jetstar, even though your arguments are tainted by Paul's paranoia, you at least manage to form full sentences that make sense unlike your buddy. Good luck running.

PRO paki omanik Kanada paulroedb

Let's be honest, the PPM game is in decline. If you don't believe me, then I invite you to contact Vlady at head office in Europe, and he will gladly fill you in (PPM Team, above). What keeps this game going are the hardcores, basically the Pro Packers like me (and maybe you). When we go, the game goes...

I am in denial. I love this game, inside and out, and support any new guy who comes in. Get them hooked on the heroin that this game is so good at, and it keeps them coming back. The best smack is the National teams, but we have been through this all before. Some people don't understand that. So the game dies.

I gave up on Canada (for the most part). I went through Lithuania, Norway and finally Holland. It's tough getting accepted for a foreign team. One season isn't going to do it - you need to commit, long term is best. After three seasons with the Dutch, I have a record three preferential votes going into season 50. I have told them I want another full calendar year, and that is enough to keep them on my side. THE WORST U20 team in the PPM game, but I am proud to be on their side.

Why? Because the game in Canada is in rapid decline. Any new blood is quickly choked out. If you need proof then simply check out the comments board from this season's National Team chat boards - there is only one voice that is heard. I have no problem with nkullar but I am at a loss about his election speech. If he is really running the team then why do we only hear from the same guy? Go look at the boards folks. Who is running our national teams?

Jetstar wants to run our Senior team. I have helped with my scouting resources. Samuel Carrier questions his scouting list...I can't understand why. Here is a crash course in national team scouting: check all the current team rosters; check their transfer wires (back to season 20 is what we did); check defunct clubs transfer wires back to season 20 (which we did); and finally check the drafts back to season 20 (which we did). The only Canadian players we can't be sure about are the ones that got signed and cut from someone's Sports Academy, which we could do by the way, but that would require individual approval. But let's be honest, if the guy is cut immediately after signing, then what is the chance the guy is National team quality? Therefore, we have all of the Canadian guys qualified for the Canadian senior team on our list. The current Canadian roster doesn't show our list very well at all. Sorry Jetstar, the cat is out of the bag. But anyone who actually understands this game and has the patience to really look could find all the guys that are available today...

I want Canadian GM's to vote for Jetstar. I don't always agree with the guy but he clearly wants to have a go. Bobby Jay represents the old guard of this game and he has his turn with the U18's. He should be happy with that and go home. Nothing against nkullar, but I really think that you are misguided. You yourself said you had no interest in running the club, and I have a guy who is hungry. Cool says "stand down". Why not throw in a late run for the U18 team and give us a real entertaining three-dog race with Franc? It already looks like a pretty entertaining go...

Finally, as for the above insult from Samuel Carrier, simply put...fuck you. If you have problems with my sentence construction then perhaps you should try to post something slightly longer than two lines. More importantly, if you really have a problem with my skills with the English language, then I can give you some emails for my university professors. They, I am sure, would be fascinated to hear your argument why their awarding of a degree in English should have been in error. I am also sure that my archaeology department would love to hear your arguments too.


PRO paki omanik Kanada SamuelCarrier

I am no longer posting long messages with you because of the way it always ends up being the same as talking to a wall.

The game is in decline and all this arguing on the main boards aren't helping.

That being said, it is the first time in a long time that you explained your position clearly and without paranoiac claims in the middle of it, so I can respect that. I wish Jetstsr would campaign on his own strengths instead of attacking nkullar for no reason. This is why I will not be voting for him this year. But if he gets in, I will cheer for our team as I always did. If he can change his tune to a more respectful approach, he may get my vote in coming seasons.

PRO paki omanik Kanada Boba Fett

These boards go wild whenever paul posts.

Nice to see some votes and competition for the election. I think it would be better to be campaigning without attacking other managers, but maybe we'll get that next season.

Also nice to see paul actually doing something for the NT (helping Jetstar) instead of just whining about current managers.

Lots of mentions to messages I have not been privy too so I can't speak on.

I don't really care who manages, as long as they're committed to setting lineups and trying to improve the team as opposed to what we had in the U20 team this year.

Sounds like either way we will get someone committed to running and improving the team so that's good.

I do think there should be some attempt to return the boards to civility.

PRO paki omanik Kanada loraxx

For all the drama in this thread, I'll point out that both Paul and Bobby Jay have been answering my questions as well as offering guidance and insight into NT management, I feel like they both have my back and for that I am grateful.

Et JetStar, tu n'as pas tord car il faudrait surement faire plus d'efforts pour inclure la francophonie!

PRO paki omanik Kanada Bobby Jay

PRO pack owner Canada Bobby JayReport post |
| 26.04.2024 17:44:00
Today, our final game of the tournament, a 3-0 win over Bosnia-Herzegovina.
To be clear, I did the lines in both this year's and last year's tournaments, both times by mutual consent with the GM of record.
Last season's relegation was not due to gross incompetence, but lack of good luck as often happens in the tournament. After a loss to Estonia in which all the numbers except the score were in our favor, we finished in a three way tie for relegation. USA had the better goal differential, so Canada and Estonia were relegated.
P.S. Paul it does not matter who reports on team activities as long as is accurate. (You may have to have your researcher look that word up in the dictionary.)

PRO paki omanik Kanada paulroedb

Well, last call folks. Tomorrow is reset day.

I urge all Canadian GM's to consider the situation in our country. Regardless of your opinions about my comments on this board, I am at least misguided enough to do these things for what I consider to be the right reasons. With the PPM game dying, I am at least naive enough to believe that by bringing in younger blood, the game can continue for as long as possible.

This won't happen if the same old people run the extra parts of the game, which is what has been happening here for too long. I want new guys involved. Yup, Zodiac of the U20 this season was a deadbeat. Myself, along with others, tried to revive him, but unfortunately it didn't work. If you haven't noticed though, I suggest looking through the recent comments of the U20 chat board. Take a note who spits and shits on the guy's grave. Hey, I voted for him. If you vote, you probably did too. For sure the guys with their pants down over top of Zodiac's grave also voted for him, because he was the only guy there to vote for. Nobody else put the hat in. If that is reason to go shit on the guy, I am afraid that I don't see it. Those who dump on someone they voted for merely reflects the quality of those who do.

Obviously my senior vote is for Jetstar, since we have worked together since Day 1 of his candidacy. Loraxx seems like a sincere guy and I have had contact/given suggestions to him as well. In the U18 I will vote for Franc. He has played the game for a long time, and I want to see new faces give the PPM game new life. If those who have been around the National program FAR too long had any class, they would voluntarily step down and offer to assist instead. That's called sharing. That's called fairness. That's called thinking about the long term health of the game.

I hope you vote something similar, if not exactly the same. We are on the cusp of the 50th great season of the PPM hockey engine, and I would like to see another 50 more. With only 90 teams left in Canada (if, in fact, there really are 90 managers still involved...), it is time to check the mirror. Block the new guys from learning the real joys of this game, and the PPM game will disappear even sooner. And then only the stray cats and feral dogs will be left around to shit on this great game's grave...


PRO paki omanik Kanada Bobby Jay

From the "new managers" records kept by PPM.
New Canadian managers accessing PPM in 2024.
49 in total.
Of these, 18 had their accounts blocked, presumably because they were
attempting to break the rules.
24 were marked "unknown" as they only accessed PPM once.
That leaves 7, who have signed in and made an attempt to form a team.
Their accounts show days of participation of 37, 24, 21, 16, 14, 1, 1,.
I suspect that the high number of "blocked" and "unknowns" has nothing to do with existing
managers, but rather with the fact that the game does not allow them to progress to
the top tiers quickly enough, and in particular, because "cheats" are not an easy option.
My conclusion is that this game is not growing because it does not satisfy the
need for instant recognition/gratification that seems to be a part of today's society.
It may seem old school, but even in today's work place, it is still necessary for most
people to prove their worth as a contributor, before being handed even the lowest
management position.
As I have said before, this is not T-ball where every participant gets to play every position
every game.!
I urge you ALL to vote responsibly. We will all have to live with whomever the majority selects until next season. And this season's U20 debacle, if nothing else, proved that the majority may not always be right.

A partir des registres des « nouveaux managers » conservés par PPM.
Nouveaux gestionnaires canadiens accédant au PPM en 2024.
49 au total.
Parmi eux, 18 ont vu leur compte bloqué, probablement parce qu'ils étaient
tenter d'enfreindre les règles.
24 d’entre eux ont été marqués « inconnu » car ils n’ont accédé à PPM qu’une seule fois.
Il en reste 7, qui se sont inscrits et ont tenté de former une équipe.
Leurs comptes font état de jours de participation de 37, 24, 21, 16, 14, 1, 1,.
Je soupçonne que le nombre élevé de "bloqués" et d'"inconnus" n'a rien à voir avec les
managers, mais plutôt avec le fait que le jeu ne leur permet pas de progresser vers
les niveaux supérieurs assez rapidement, et en particulier parce que les « tricheurs » ne sont pas une option facile.
Ma conclusion est que ce jeu ne se développe pas parce qu'il ne satisfait pas les
besoin de reconnaissance/gratification instantanée qui semble faire partie de la société d'aujourd'hui.
Cela peut paraître old school, mais même dans le monde du travail d'aujourd'hui, cela reste nécessaire pour la plupart
aux gens de prouver leur valeur en tant que contributeur, avant de se voir remettre même le plus bas
poste de direction.
Comme je l'ai déjà dit, il ne s'agit pas d'un T-ball où chaque participant peut jouer à toutes les positions.
chaque jeu.!
Je vous exhorte TOUS à voter de manière responsable. Nous devrons tous vivre avec celui que la majorité choisira jusqu’à la saison prochaine. Et la débâcle des moins de 20 ans cette saison a prouvé, à tout le moins, que la majorité n'a pas toujours raison.

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