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  PowerPlay Magazine

Handball USA Division 1 Regular Season Champion Interview: Bulls4ever

Handball USA Division 1 Regular Season Champion Interview:  Bulls4ever

With handball season 3 coming to an end, I was excited to learn that I would be allowed to complete another interview.  My new destination was the home of the owner and manager of the USA division 1 regular season champions, Inter Melon.   The logistics and travel plans were arranged and I was on my way to another informative PPM managerial interview. 


I'll have to admit that before the interview, I had no idea where San Gyro Arena was located.  But, after a transcontinental flight that landed in San Francisco, California; I picked up the rental car, loaded the gps with the destination address and began the drive to visit bulls4ever.  The drive was a fairly scenic one, traveling south of the airport into the region known as the Silicon Valley.   The travel route led me through a varying myriad of upstart technology companies and computer industrial sites.  Travel then became more rural; passing through less populated areas, losing cell service, we finally entered a small town that would be the location of our destination.  As I neared bulls4ever's home, I passed various livestock farms (goats & horses to name a few); I was almost to the targeted address.  Pulling in to the driveway, I saw 3 bulldogs frolicking in the yard.  I knocked on the door and was quickly greeted by bulls4ever.  He led me to a deck that overlooked a field with gazing horses and our interview was about to begin.

Thank you for allowing me to visit you today.  I am going to ask a few warm up-questions and then we will talk about your successes during handball this season.

First question, do you have a hobby?   I think we all have a hobby. I have a few; Sports Photography. I have participated on many events such as the US Marathon, Nike Marathon and many triathlon events.  I have photographed many Olympic athletes. I also enjoy shooting High School sports (I assume you mean photographing! :P) . I also spend time doing 3D modeling and animation.


Do you have a spirit animal?  Yes, I do have a spirit animal.  When I concentrate on something I can't sleep (sometimes for days); but, when I want or need to rest I can sleep for several hours.  My spirit animal is the bear.  (I was surprised here... I was sure it was going to be the bull!)


If you could be a fictional character, who would you be?  The invisible man, next question.

Who is your favorite athlete?  My favorite athlete is Oscar Schmidt followed by a bunch of Chicago Bulls, current and former players. I am not a hard fun of handball to have a favorite player. Mind you, it is very fun to play.


How many games of handball have you watched? Played?  I don't know.  I played Handball in middle school. I have always watched it during the Olympics. The son of my grandma's maid was a coach.  He coached the Brazilian junior team (not positive, he may have been an assistant). He still coaches a team somewhere.  I have experience with handball. 


Inter Melon is the USA I.1 season 3 regular season champions.  They had a dominating regular season clinching first place well before the season was over.  Even champions have low moments throughout the season, describe your lowest moment of season 3.  I don't think it had a lowest moment, as I was never threated.  I will say that late season my team went on strike and lost I think 4 matches in a row.  I had planned to sit them a few matches to save energy but I was not able to do so.


Can you describe your strategy coming into season 3?  To make things interesting I make different goals each season. This season my goals were:  1) Have Tubs win the scoring title; 2) If possible, win the assist title; 3)      Have at least one player making the Season All Star Team; 4) Win the regular season or win the playoffs (win one gold trophy); and 5) Finish the season with 2 stadium sections as maxed out triple levels.


How do you plan to maintain the dominance that your team achieved during season 3 in USA handball?  That is hard to answer as I don't think I dominate. I describe my team as very reliable and constant. If we look at past champions they are struggling now. My goal is not just win things but make sure the team can always remain competitive and a power.  Also, I may buy a couple of players for next season

Who do you feel is the biggest threat to take the division title from you in coming seasons?  There are many. There will not be any bad teams in division 1 next season.


If you were to name a most valuable player on your team, who would that be and why?  Mario Tubbs. Last season I saved him on many matches. This season I let him play and dominate. At the 50th match, he was leading scoring and 3rd in assists. If one clicks on national player statistics he is ranked 1st. He led Team USA in scoring: 59 goals plus 9 from 7m.  (Note:  Mario Tubbs is no longer a member of the Inter Melon team and appears to be replaced by Vasyl Salnykov)

So, if Tubbs was your most valuable player, why did you sell him?  I didn't have a choice. He is a super star and wants to play in a bigger market. Sweden is the strongest league in the PPM world with 4 out of 5 of the best teams. We understood it was best for his career and for team USA.

Vasyl was unhappy being managed by a ghost and was not reaching his full potential as he was working as the water boy for the Ukraine National Team. At Inter Melon, he will finally claim his appropriate place on the national team.  As for Tubbs, he will be an Inter Melon hall of famer before his career is over and will always be welcomed back.

What strategy has helped you most in becoming successful at handball?  Study a lot past matches (from any teams) and try to understand what worked and what didn't work.


Do you seek advice from others within the PPM World? If so, who has provided you with the best advice during last season?  When I started playing I used to message veterans and ask questions. For handball it is hard to say as nobody knows anything. We are still studying the game. So I listen to people's opinion and I also study my opponents and teams that are successful. 

In Hockey Cory and I worked very well together where we both would give suggestions to lineup and ideas to fix what is broken. We are still working very close this season.


If you were providing advice for a new player, what would you suggest as being the most important step to becoming successful in their league?  I think there are two paths a manager can take when starting the game on season 1: Be the one to best manage your finance or be the most aggressive buying/selling players and making great profit. New managers who start on season 4. The only advice would be to manage your finances. They will not have the advantage of pulling a 200 OR player and selling them for 10 million as we saw happen during season 1.


What do you think are the most important list of three things to do to be successful with any team in PPM?  My list would be:  1) Log in everyday and change tactics for friendlies and league; 2) Study past matches of the league team I will be facing. Study and analyze and come up with a plan: 3) Be creative with plans and goals so that playing does not get boring.

Cold, I would love to talk more, but, I have a dinner date.  I've been invited to a playoff basketball party with a few of the Chicago Bulls and I don't want to be late.  Maybe we can get together again and then talk about the National team.  Take care and thanks for the visit.


Bulls4ever had finished the interview and left me with lots to think about; maybe one day my Cold Mountain Strikes can return to compete with him and the other Champions of USA Division 1.



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