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  Asunto: Questions and Answers


Aigars probably hasn't got his new contract yet. That's the best I can think of without really looking into it

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

Salary is largely based on the value of the highest attribute. What are their respective highest attributes?


Read the post you quoted8-D

I guess it's because Cyrus was playing in the Czech Republic. Maybe since they have so many more teams, their player salaries are higher? That's all I got.


Can someone explain this to me. How is it possible that I can finish fourth in league III in hockey, get knocked out in the 2nd round of the playoffs, get knocked out early in the National Cup and get about $3 million dollars more in sponserships (General & Media combined) for the next season than I did last season. Meanwhile, in Soccer, I won the League Cup, went pretty deep in the National Cup, finished 1st overall in the league & was promoted to league II, and I'm back in the Finals, but my combined sponsership offers are less or equal to what I'm getting now. What am I missing? If I'm getting $3 million more in hockey, shouldn't I be getting at least that much in soccer due to the helluva better season? Thanks for your help.

Cory Martin

Congrats on wiping the floor with the rest of us in III.1 this season in soccer. I'm still proud of the fact that I'm the only one who scored against you in the regular season. :) To answer your question, last season USA had 4 league levels in soccer (I should know, I was 1st in IV.1 and won the league cup) while we only have 3 league levels this season. Everyone is getting worse offers this year as a result.

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

Wise guy eh? ;)

I'm with the post before me... the one has a contract renewal soon and the other just had his.



The Bangalore Bullets

Thanks for the replies. Actually, im not sure when their contract got renewed...since i bought them off the market. But...both those players have more than 250 days of contract left. While Cyrus's age is 27, Aigart's age is 30. Since their age is pretty high, i dont see their attributes changing a lot - so their wages must be relatively constant over time, right?

Is age too factored into this wage calculation?

Since Cyrus (whose nationality is USA which is the same league im playing in) was playing earlier in a different country (where his contract got renewed), could it be possible that his contract already had that additional 25% hike since he was playing for a foreign country where his contract was signed?

Btw, canucks the two attributes that i posted there are infact the highest two attributes (which are considered for calculating the wages)


But is that fair to the USA teams? Other nations with more active teams earn more in sponsorships simply because there are more teams across the board? This isn't computing in my brain correctly, what am I missing? It's only my second season in soccer, finished 3rd with while starting late in the season, yet my sponsorship offers were approx 1 million more than before.
It seems to me that the USA teams are a long ways off from being able to compete at the higher levels if were all punished due to a lack of national interest, shear numbers. I'm stuck with the team I have now and forced to throw all money into facilities and arena at a very very slow pace. Just isn't adding up. Can you explain the reasoning for the decision to lower sponsorship amounts based on what you stated?

Cory Martin

I never said I agreed with the financial structure ;) I was simply stating the reason for lower offers. It doesn't make sense to me either.


Here's a few ideas to keep in mind when comparing the sponsorship offers of USA teams to non-USA teams:

The top 1% of USA teams are the top 3 teams. They qualify for the ChL every season and typically make long runs into the NC. All 3 teams are within 2 OTR of the top 10 in the world OTR list.

The top 1% of Czech teams includes all of their I.1 league and some of the division II teams.

The top 2% of Australian teams is one team.

To make it to division II in the USA leagues, you need to sign up and then be promoted (either through the typical methods or through re-grouping).

To make it to division II in the Czech leagues, you need to sign up and then be promoted three times. That's similar to signing up in the USA leagues, being promoted twice and then finishing 1st or 2nd in I.1.

To make it to division II in the Australian leagues, you need to sign up.


Hi Skep. We are all in the same boat. Less active teams and less leagues means less Sponsorship money to offer out to the teams. This will slow us down that is for sure as it has affected all teams in USA. We just need to stick to our financial plans and adjust accordingly. I dropped two seasons in a row. So it has been painful.


My favorite quote- The top 2% of Australian teams is one team.

Great analysis- USA has done a great job continuing to be competitive at the world stage. I just wish it was easier for teams to catch up if they join a season or two late-

However that is why I love the Super League Cup and it should be implemented in hockey and handball to make new teams feel more loved.


Well I couldn't have asked for a better explanation, well done.

Off topic. I had read a few months ago something about changes to the PRO pack,(not sure if this was implemented or not)They tossed out the idea of allowing those that had the PRO Pack to start at a higher level. Hopefully my memory has served me correctly and I am reiterating that correctly.
Is that the case now? Or was this just something that was in discussion?
If you have Pro Pack does it cover all sports you participate in?


Hello. The main thing I have noticed in the 3 sports I participate in is that approx 75% (tossing out a random number i feel is close) of new comers leave before the 11 days is up. My new soccer league has 22 teams, 9 of which have already bailed after one game, my handball league is 12 teams, 4 of which are active managers, hockey which i have the most experience in is an ever revolving door of new players that never stick it out.
Maybe there needs to be more of an incentive to keep new players actively involved. As it is, it will be many many seasons from now before i'll be any type of competitive manager on the international level. Going to be a slow grind to the top.

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