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Atjaunināti rezultāti attiecīgi pēc sastāvu lietojuma.
Neskaitot [hockey_team=36561] paslīdējusi slida Maromans vienā spēlē.. Labu nedēļu visiem!
Ak, jā - apsveicu ar zīmola atsvaidzināšanu [hockey_team=19142]!
Updated results accordingly to roster use. Apart from [hockey_team=36561] once skate slipped of Maromans ... Have a good week!
And, yes - congrats with refreshing of brand to [hockey_team=19142] !
Atjaunināti rezultāti attiecīgi pēc sastāvu lietojuma.
Neskaitot [hockey_team=36561] paslīdējusi slida Maromans vienā spēlē.. Labu nedēļu visiem!
Ak, jā - apsveicu ar zīmola atsvaidzināšanu [hockey_team=19142]!
Updated results accordingly to roster use. Apart from [hockey_team=36561] once skate slipped of Maromans ... Have a good week!
And, yes - congrats with refreshing of brand to [hockey_team=19142] !
Sestdienas spēles pārbaudītas. [hockey_team=36561] ir vienīgie grēcinieki, kas tika sodīti no vardulēnu puses tāpatās..
Labu nakti!
Good evening!
Saturday's games checked. [hockey_team=36561] are the only sinners who's got punished by froglings anyway..
Good night!
Sestdienas spēles pārbaudītas. [hockey_team=36561] ir vienīgie grēcinieki, kas tika sodīti no vardulēnu puses tāpatās..
Labu nakti!
Good evening!
Saturday's games checked. [hockey_team=36561] are the only sinners who's got punished by froglings anyway..
Good night!
Sveiki visapkārt!
Valentīndienas skarbie mači izskatīti, [hockey_team=36561] dabūja Taisno Tiesu no [hockey_team=20260] ar ko arī apsveicu.. Ko vēl?
Jauku un panākumiem svētītu šo nedēļu!
Hi, all around!
Rough battles of Valentine's Day have been looked through, [hockey_team=36561] got The Judgement Day from [hockey_team=20260] and my congrats on that.. What else?
Have a nice and blessed with success next week!
Valentīndienas skarbie mači izskatīti, [hockey_team=36561] dabūja Taisno Tiesu no [hockey_team=20260] ar ko arī apsveicu.. Ko vēl?
Jauku un panākumiem svētītu šo nedēļu!
Hi, all around!
Rough battles of Valentine's Day have been looked through, [hockey_team=36561] got The Judgement Day from [hockey_team=20260] and my congrats on that.. What else?
Have a nice and blessed with success next week!
Hi, guys!
I'm writing from computer that is not mine so I'll be short and English only.. apologises.
Games are checked and ammended accordingly of behaviour of [hockey_team=36561] which is .. static..
Thank you and let's keep it same staight and clean way!
Nice week!
I'm writing from computer that is not mine so I'll be short and English only.. apologises.
Games are checked and ammended accordingly of behaviour of [hockey_team=36561] which is .. static..
Thank you and let's keep it same staight and clean way!
Nice week!
Pieprasu tulkojumu Latviski!
Me no speak americano
Me no speak americano
Nu tad sveiki visiem no manas jaunās PC platformas! Atvainojos, speciāli nogaidīju, līdz viss tip-top kamēr ķēros pārbaudīt pagājušo nedēļas nogali.. Un, jāsaka tā bija divkārtēja bauda.. Jo, vispirms, visi, izņemot vienu ([hockey_team=36561], protams), dalībnieki bija kristāl-tīri no pārkāpumiem un, otrkārt, ar jauno "kombainu" pārbaudīšana ir 3x vieglāka (SSD ir mans jaunais mīļvārdiņš )
Un, kā sveicienu jums bijušajā/esošajā Sieviešu dienā, izlēmos patērēties nākamajai sezonai!
So, greetings everybody from my new PC build!
Apologises, I've on purpose delayed check until everything is alive and kicking 'till to start checking last week-end results.. And, must say, it was doubled pleasure.. Firstly all but one ([hockey_team=36561] of course) been crystal - clear from violations and, secondly, with new "harvester" checking is 3 times as pleasant (SSD is my new sweet-word )
And, as greeting in followed/ or not Women Day, decided to spend myself for a next season!
Un, kā sveicienu jums bijušajā/esošajā Sieviešu dienā, izlēmos patērēties nākamajai sezonai!
So, greetings everybody from my new PC build!
Apologises, I've on purpose delayed check until everything is alive and kicking 'till to start checking last week-end results.. And, must say, it was doubled pleasure.. Firstly all but one ([hockey_team=36561] of course) been crystal - clear from violations and, secondly, with new "harvester" checking is 3 times as pleasant (SSD is my new sweet-word )
And, as greeting in followed/ or not Women Day, decided to spend myself for a next season!
Šeit tas būtu, tad: hockey.powerplaymanager.c... Laipni lūgtum, meitenes!
So, here it is:
hockey.powerplaymanager.c... Welcome, girls!
So, here it is:
hockey.powerplaymanager.c... Welcome, girls!
pieteicos jo sosezonas sastavs vares turpinat nakamsezon
Ak, jā, nākamsezon otrā GK vecuma bezlimits būtu jāatceļ.. Jo, tie, kas to lūdza, neizmanto, atļautie čakarē man prātu, pārbaudot..
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