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  Asunto: II.1

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

That's encouraging - I hope that your scouts are right.


I scouted one a+ and that was it. All others were bs or lower. My a+ went 3rd. Ended with 2 bs.

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

All the others were equal to or lower than BS? That sounds like a pretty bad draft.


For me, at least. There was an A i think, but i disnt scout. I was hoping the a+ would fall to me :(


I got 2 6/6 B's and 1 5/6 B.


I scouted him as an A pre-draft as well. BUT!! My HR department leveled up from 11 to 12 AFTER I scouted him as an A, and during the draft, I saw him as a B. So I don't know. At the very least, I'd imagine he's a pretty solid B player.

I didn't have Cactus' guy as an A before or after he was drafted.


Hahaha you wouldn't have gotten him anyways. He was the best player on my board as well, so had he slipped to me, he would've been gone.


I had your 2nd round pick as a C. Pre and post draft. For what that's worth.


Any one else not gotten their draft picks yet even after midnight?


Not yet... I think it may be slow because of the new season.. calculating age and resetting energy and whatnot


Just wanted to make sure it wasnt a glitch on my part.


Fucking SWEET! Lloyd Russ made it to 18 years old with 6/6 CL. Awesome...

Ted Keenan and Rolland Benedict (my 2 15-year old studs from last season) are still 6/6 CL at age 16 too.

Actually... after looking at it a bit more, there really weren't any CL drops that made me sad this season. Most of my guys maintained their training values pretty well this off-season.

Yay!!! ^_^

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

Jeremy Huiskens turned out okay, if flawed. His unscouted quality for speed is 98 and 94 for agressiveness (he could trained as either a wing or a pivot). His OR is 395, but his unscouted EQ is only 69.5 due to weak shooting and blocking. He definitely looks like a B at this point.

Juán Beadle has an EQ of 74.7 with a 356 OR - good enough to keep for now.


Ray Brink Is looking like a solid B- at this point. His unscouted AQ is 67%, so I'm hoping to squeeze maybe a couple of points out of him and get that up to 70-71 or so. But once again... he's another bloodly blocker. I swear, I have the WORST luck getting guys with decent shooting qualities.

He has good unscouted TEC and AGR though (88 and 72), compared to a rather weak PAS (68), so I think I might train him as a PVT if I keep him. What a waste of a Universal though. Maybe I'll just train him up and sell him before the end of the season. I can likely get him to the low-mid 400s by that point, and I'm not really overly impressed with him (based on his unscouted stats).

Thomas Brewster is a decent enough, balanced wing. He could use a bit higher Fip rating though. Right now he's 75% AQ unscouted. Not great, not horrible.

Both guys came in with ORs in the mid-300s. So while I'm not really that impressed with either of them... I guess they're good enough that I can probably train them and sell them later on.

But my general feeling from before the draft holds true. There doesn't really seem to be much of anything that's exciting about any of the players pulled so far from our division's draft.

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

Congrats on the luck with the CL - it looks like you have a good core of players to build around for the future.

I only had 2 16 year olds and one 18 year old remain at 6/6. My starting goaltender dropped to 4/6 and my 24 year old back finally dropped to 3/6. Even so, I still have a pretty good group of prospects from last season.

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