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  Recommended graphic artists

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Let a graphic artist create your logo, jerseys, pennant or other graphic elements!

This is a list of graphic artists who will gladly help you with the creation of graphics for your team. They may ask credits for their work. The prices depend on the agreement between you and the artist.
Καλλιτέχνης Γραφικών Γλώσσες Ταχυδρομείο
Čeština Slovenčina English Deutsch  Στείλε μήνυμα στον μάνατζερ Send credits
English Deutsch  Στείλε μήνυμα στον μάνατζερ Send credits
Magyar English  Στείλε μήνυμα στον μάνατζερ Send credits

You too can become a recommended graphic artist and earn some credits. If you know how to do graphics and you are interested, please contact us at support@powerplaymanager.com.