I am writing to you in a slightly dire mood today. 我们对整个项目进行了更加深入全面的分析后发现今年的形势要远比几年前来得艰难,而这也极大程度上影响了我们项目的进展——由于经济危机的影响使我们站点上的广告很难卖得出去。我们已经为这个项目自掏腰包干了快3年了,如果没有外部的经济援助的话,我们将很难把这个项目进行下去。
我们最近推出了包含PRO特性的游戏正式版,如果没有足够数量的PRO包购买者的话,我们的游戏将会很难长时间生存下来。从这点来看第一个月份的结果并不算太坏,但是PRO包购买者的数量随即The first month was not so bad from this point of view. But then the numbers stopped growing and now we have about 6% of PRO pack owners. But the problem is elsewhere. Vast majority of managers activate the PRO pack for short periods and therefore also the money that we get is not sufficient. Currently we are working on the final features of hockey but we have already started developing soccer. Trust me when I say that the expenses on all of this are already pretty big.
What does this all imply? For those who like this game I felt obliged to give you this information so that you know where we stand with the project. If you really like the game and you want it to survive and to play other sports you can decide whether or not to support us and help with the project funding. Each one of you can make the judgement whether the fun and the time spent here is worth it and the whole project is in your hands.
Another way to help us is propagation. Our numbers have stopped growing in recent weeks and are even on a slow decline. If the game was played by more managers, it would be easier to sell advertisements and it would probably also help our financial situation. It would also be easier to agree on partnerships with important websites. Therefore we would like to turn to all our supporters with plea for help. If you enjoy playing PowerPlay Manager and you want to help, you can recommend the game to your friends or propagate us in other ways. If you have contacts with some websites where PowerPlay Manager could have an advertisement and you can arrange it, please contact us at support@powerplaymanager.com. We will appreciate any kind of help and we hope that we will be able to stabilize the finances and increase the number of managers as soon as possible.
With regards,
Ivan alias tuttle
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