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  PowerPlay περιοδικό

Facilities & staff members

Facilities & staff members

Many of you complaint about staff salaries. But, what if these salaries worth ?

Let's find out !


First of all you must know that 'the facilities have an influence even if you don't have any staff employed there. However, hiring some staff has a very strong effect on their influence. The efficiency of each facility is influenced by a maximum of two staff members. The staff member marked as head has the greater influence, while the assistant has a smaller influence. If you do not mark a staff member as head or assistant, then this person will have no influence on the efficiency of the facility.'


Two things we must note:

1. The facilities have an influence even if you don't have any staff employed there.

2. Hiring some staff has a very strong effect on facilities influence.


Ok, how can we find out what is the influence of facilities without any staff employed? The only facility which show us it's influence without any staff is Human resources and economic department.

The guide says: Human resources and economic department - Easier negotiations with the sponsors, more efficient souvenir sale, employment of better staff members or faster scouting of your own players as well as the players of your opponents is facilitated by this department.


So, as any other facility, HR department does 2 things: helps with sponsors negotiations, bla bla and helps with faster scouting ! Let's assume that we don't have any staff member employed there. Go to Arena -> Scouting and check Scouting progress per day.  

VOILA ! We just find out what is the facility influence without any staff employed there.


Now we need to find out the influence of facilities, without any staff employed there, for each level, from 1 to 15. How can we do that ? Easy thing: just post on hockey international forum following message:

"I need some help from you. I need to know the influence of HR department for different levels, but without any staff member. I need to know: level of HR facility - Scouting progress per day"


After just few minutes we get the data, as you can see below:

Level 5 - 18%

Level 6 - 24%

Level 7 - 31%

Level 8 - 39%

Level 9 - 48%

Level 10 - 58%

Level 11 - 69%


As you can see, this is a logical sequence, so we can assume that this sequence is from level 1 to level 15. What we will get ? 


Level 1 - 4%

Level 2 - 6%

Level 3 - 9%

Level 4 - 13%

Level 5 - 18%

Level 6 - 24%

Level 7 - 31%

Level 8 - 39%

Level 9 - 48%

Level 10 - 58%

Level 11 - 69%

Level 12 - 81%

Level 13 - 94%

Level 14 - 108%

Level 15 - 123%



Isn't that cool ? Ok, we found out what is the influence for each level of HR department, of course without any staff member employeed. Let's see what's happening when we hire some members. 

Some time ago I've collected a lot of dates in order to find out the magic formula for calculating members influence over facility. And here it is:

X * Y / 200  (equation 1)

where X is the influence of facility without any staff member (e.g. 58% for level 10) and is staff efficiency (you can find it on Staff page)


So, total influence of facility with staff members hired there will be:

X + (X * Y / 200)  (I put brackets in order that some of you to know which operations must be made first, no offence)

You can calculate on your team with that formula and see for yourself that I'm right.


First part is over !



Now, just for our information, let's see some interesting things.

Guide says: Hiring some staff has a very strong effect on facilities influence.

Does it ? Let's see what efficiency we need for staff members in order to have an influence for facility equal with actual facility level + 1, but without staff members employeed.


Let's begin with level 1.

We want that Level 1 facility influence + staff members influence = Level 2 facility influence. Let's see in numbers: 

4% + staff members influence = 6%  ->  staff members influence=2%, but we know that staff members influence is equal with X * Y / 200 (equation 1). So X * Y / 200=2 (where X=4). That means Y will be 2 * 200/4=100. We need 2 staff members with attributes 100 in order to our level 1 facility to work as a level 2 facility but without any staff member.

This is not so good :( !


Let's try out with level 5.

18 + 18 * Y /200 = 24  => Y = (24-18 ) * 200 / 18 =66.666667 

We need 2 staff members with attributes 66.67 in order to our level 5 facility to work as a level 6 facility but without any staff member. This is better !




Let's try out with level 10.

58 + 58 * Y / 200= 69 => Y = (69 - 58 )*200 / 58 = 37.93

We need 2 staff members with attributes 38 in order to our level 10 facility to work as a level 11 facility but without any staff member. WOW !

Wanna see what attributes you need for your staff in order to our level 10 facility to work as a level 12 facility but without any staff member.

58 + 58 * Y / 200= 81 => Y = (81 - 58 )*200 / 58 = 79.31

We need 2 staff members with attributes 80 in order to our level 10 facility to work as a level 12 facility but without any staff members. This is unbelievable!!!



What I wrote above is only for Human resources and economic department ! If all facilities have same influence (without staff members hired) that means that what you all read is happening for others departments too.


As a conclusion, staff members have a very strong effect on facilities influence, but only on high level facilities.



