Shooting indicator - how is calculated ?

After the graphic display for lines indicators has been changed, I’ve managed to find out how shooting indicator is calculated. It was quite easy since we know that shooting is not influenced by chemistry, energy or experience.
Ok, enough with talking, let’s do some math and find some numbers.
When calculating shooting indicator, as you all of you saw, only a part from shooting attribute, for each position, is taken into consideration. We will presume that this percent (from shooting attribute) is the same for both defenders (that means that shooting influence of defenders over shooting indicator is the same) and same for both wingers.
That means:
X% * LD(sho) + X% * RD(sho) + Y% * C(sho) + Z% * LW(sho) + Z% * RW(sho) = shooting per line
Ok, we have 3 unknown numbers. For this, we need 3 different equations. We can calculate on 3 different lines from our team.
- X% * LD1(sho) + X% * RD1(sho) + Y% * C1(sho) + Z% * LW1(sho) + Z% * RW1(sho) = shooting per line 1 (S1) (equation 1)
- X% * LD2(sho) + X% * RD2(sho) + Y% * C2(sho) + Z% * LW2(sho) + Z% * RW2(sho) = shooting per line 2 (S2) (equation 2)
- X% * LD3(sho) + X% * RD3(sho) + Y% * C3(sho) + Z% * LW3(sho) + Z% * RW3(sho) = shooting per line 3 (S3) (equation 3)
Let’s see how much X depending on Y and Z is from first equation:
X * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] / 100 = S1 – Y * C1(sho) / 100 – Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] / 100
X = { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } / [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ]
We know how much is X depending on Y and Z. Let swap this values in the other 2 equations:
- X * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ 100 + Y * C2(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 2 (S2)
- X * [ LD3(sho) + RD3(sho)] \ 100 + Y * C3(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW3(sho) + RW3(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 3 (S3)
- { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ 100 * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 2 (S2) (equation 4)
- { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } * [ LD3(sho) + RD3(sho)] \ 100 * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C3(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW3(sho) + RW3(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 3 (S3) (equation 5)
Now we have only 2 unknown numbers from 2 equations.
Let’s find out how much is Z depending on Y, from equation 4:
- { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ 100 * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 2 (S2)
- { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) + Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] = 100 * S2
- [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) + Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] = 100 * S2
- [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ]+ Z * [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)] = 100 * S2
Z = { [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) - 100 * S2 } / {[ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] - [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)]}
Swap Z value in equation 5:
- { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } * [ LD3(sho) + RD3(sho)] \ 100 * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C3(sho) \ 100 + Z * [ LW3(sho) + RW3(sho)] \ 100 = shooting per line 3 (S3)
- equivalent with { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - { [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) - 100 * S2 } * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] / {[ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] - [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)]} } * [ LD3(sho) + RD3(sho)] \ 100 * [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C3(sho) \ 100 + { [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) - 100 * S2 } * [ LW3(sho) + RW3(sho)] / 100 * {[ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] - [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)]} = shooting per line 3 (S3)
The only unknown number from above equation is Y. All you have to do is swap values for LD1(sho), RD1(sho), C1(sho), …., LW3(sho), RW3(sho), S1, S2, S3 and calculate Y.
If you don’t like math, I will tell you value for Y:
Now, you know values for LD1(sho), RD1(sho), C1(sho), …., LW3(sho), RW3(sho), S1, S2, S3 and Y and it’s time to find out value for Z.
Z = { [100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] + Y * C2(sho) - 100 * S2 } / {[ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] * [ LD2(sho) + RD2(sho)] \ [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ] - [ LW2(sho) + RW2(sho)]}
You already know that X = { 100 * S1 - Y * C1(sho) - Z * [ LW1(sho) + RW1(sho)] } / [ LD1(sho) + RD1(sho) ]. Swap LD1(sho), RD1(sho), C1(sho), …., LW3(sho), RW3(sho), S1, S2, S3, Y and Z with the values obtained above and you’ll get: X=6.88.
OK ! Math class is over !
So, for finding out shooting indicator per one line, use the following formula:
6.88 * [LD(sho) + RD(sho)] / 100 + 16.16 * C(sho) / 100 + 15.1 * [LW(sho) + RW(sho)] / 100 = shooting indicator per line
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