New design tomorrow!
Hi friends,
tomorrow is the day when we implement the new design of the welcome pages. The new design is a vast improvement on the current one and we think it will be a much better presentation of our website. Due to this change the game will be turned off from about 9.00 am CET. We cannot predict right now how long the game will be unavailable but we will do our best to make it as short as possible. The market deadlines will be postponed of course.
Another important announcement is that we have added 2 new rules:
It is forbidden to publish results of games on forums or chat before they are over
This rule has been introduced due to certain individuals who have found a way to find out the results of games before the live broadcast ends and some of them have been publishing these results and thus spoiling the broadcast for regular users. This kind of action may be punished from now on.
It is forbidden to send mails advertising players or staff members for sale
This has been forbidden before as it was always considered as spam. However, we decided to make it more explicit so that it is clear to everybody. We have been receiving too many complaints about such mails lately.
Soon you will be able to see some improvements in the live broadcast as well. There will be live stats section added and the live broadcast will become a regular PRO/credit feature as it is in hockey. Non-PRO users will only be able to view home matches and matches of other teams will cost 1 credit.
Have a nice day!
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