Interview with Scrat

Roman Abramovic: Let' introduce yourself a bit. What's your name, where are you from, how old are you?
Scrat: I am a young middle age man from the metropolis of Morava.
RA: Where did your nick and team name on PPM came from?
S: My nick has been created quit long time ago and it is the name of my favourite movie character - squirrel from Ice Age movie. The name of the team I took over from my previous team on HA.
RA: How did you get to PPM?
S: It was during one of the HA meetings in Brno (this tradition was created by me - with all of my inborn humility). I heard from tuttle that he and other guys - that time developers of HA - they are preparing this sport manager and than I was just waiting when they will launch it.
RA: Why did you sign up to the tournament?
S: I was playing "Prievoz Cup" tournament (predecessor of the PPM Cup) already on HA so when I get information that you will organize this tournament on PPM as well, there was nothing to think about and I signed in here as well.
RA: What is your feeling about this tournament?
S: Positive. I'm playing with B team (the same way as I did in HA) so I don't expect any wonderful results and my players confirm it by every match.
RA: What did you think, who is your biggest rival in the main part of the league
S: Definitely It was my own players (laugh).
RA: And what about play-off?
S: I didn't get to play-off.
RA: What did you like about the tournament and what you didn't like?
S: I was little bit confused about searching for my upcoming match in the final phase of the battle of the xy place.
RA: What is your opinion about playing tournament till the last position?
S: Why not? It will hurts nobody.
RA: Let's go to PPM. What do you like most till this moment?
S: I like that I can be there when PPM „is born". It is different than other managers that I've been playing in the past and I didn't discovered all of the miracles of this game yet, but I'm working on it.
RA: And what you don't like? Or do you have some proposal how would you want it?
S: For the moment I don't like market very much, but there is a promise that it will get better - my proposal would take whole chapter. I would like PPM to be really sport manager, not bussiness manager. There is still time to achieve this vision and PPM have all what it takes.
RA: Thank you for interview.
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