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  PowerPlay Magazín

PPM World Championship - Hungary

PPM World Championship - Hungary

Mr. SpICEy presents:


Small Community, Huge Desperation


Members of the Hungarian Organizing Committee:

Coordinator: Stonehenge
Helper: Kislacko
Captain and General Manager of Hungary: Kityusz

Unofficial member of Organizing Committee:

Reporter of the official website: Josh34
Developer of the official website: gord007 (Czech Republic)
Translators of the official website: Emzet (Slovakia) - Slovak, Szilu (Austria) - German, Kityusz - English


Billboard in the city of Győr promoting the website: ferrri

Credits: Ovika (Romania); Emzet; Stonehenge; ferrri; nagytomi13; okmaci; Josh34; Kislacko; kende; nyugdijas; Stanley765; Joves; check; loksi83; nidesz; Antimat; HockeyUngeherese; ifjvit; santiagorosso; bandi09; DLT99; Kityusz; Qrta; gshark; norb1015; JVoigt19; cszoli; codric; FEKA84; Eyrie; Wattman; Gaios; Dogfilko; paprikajancsi; Bobes; nagyspi; DemonX; Marcyh

Creator of World Championship's logo: endreandras

1. Official logo of World Championship:

2. Logo on ice paintings (circle):

Creator of the World Championship's closing video: paprikajancsi and codric

Hungary gives you the following during the World Championship:

Official website of World Championship:

On the main page one banner of PPM will welcome the visitors. The logo of WCH, the promo and fan videos, and of course Mr.SpICEy, Hungary's mascot will be also on it. The calendar, results, standings, match summaries, players and goalies' statistics, the surfaces of the 4 stadiums will be also reachable in the different menus. The managers can download the stadiums ice paintings. The credit winners will have their own pages. After the World Championship it will be the Official Website of the Hungarian PPM Community.

Two series of articles (one is about Hungary, the other is about the history of Hungarian ice hockey):

The World Championship lasts 9 days. So we make an article series about Hungary in 9 parts. Each article will be about 1 page long, and appears day after day on the website of World Championship, on at least 4 languages (Hungarian, English, German, Slovak).

In the second series, we present the history of Hungarian ice hockey in 9 parts, too.

Games and bettings on the website:

1. Funny game - playing with words:

On the website of WCh, there will be a funny "game" in English, German, Slovak, Czech and Hungarian. This game is a play with words.

The heart of the game: The managers create a story. Somebody starts this story with 3 words, after it another manager continues it with 3 words, and so on. At the end a really funny story will evolve.

- Forbidden to use vulgar or otherwise revolting words
- Forbidden to propagate or otherwise advertise anything
- The same manager cannot write posts twice in a row
- Only three words are allowed!

2. Two types of Prediction pool:

Total reward is 750 credits each (total: 1500 credits)

3. Prizes of the bests (reward 1500 credits)

- best keeper, goalscorer, assistman, points, +/- rating, defenseman, 3 stars of the matches, best teams


1. Icestorm (Budapest)

Capacity: 3750

- 14 snack bars
- 14 fan shops
- 8 press centers
- Scoreboard level 1
- WCH ice painting
Owner: Kartal HC (I.1) - manager: okmaci

2. Gold Titan Arena (Budapest)

Capacity: 3650

- 11 snack bars
- 12 fan shops
- 11 press centers
- 3 restaurants
- 1 Skybox
- Scoreboard level 1
- WCH ice painting
Owner: Budapest Patriots (I.1) - manager: Eyrie

3. Söröshordó (Budapest)

Capacity: 3600

- 16 snack bars
- 16 fan shops
- 8 press centers
- Scoreboard level 1
- WCH ice painting
Owner: tyrant (I.1) - manager: tyrant

4. Satan Doom (Szombathely)

Capacity: 3050

- 13 snack bars
- 13 fan shops
- 9 press centers
- 1 restaurant
- 1 Skybox
- Scoreboard level 2
- WCH ice painting
Owner: Satan's Army (II.3) - manager: Stanley765

Reserve Arenas:

5. Pingvin Arena (Békéscsaba)
Team: Csabai pingvinek HC (II.3) - manager: szagi79

6. Jégverem (Nyíregyháza)
Team: Jégkutyák (II.3) - manager: kolbi (PPM-Team member)


Hodnocení článku: Slabý - Normální - Perfektní     Unikátních přečtení: 227

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