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  Předmět: U17


Hi all:goodbye:
We have one big problem and that is called the bad training of the players.Therefore, I want to show You how the player has to properly train.

PG::: (175cm-190cm)
For the position of PG is important to train the block for a better defence and steal.

the ideal training:
can be:

block is 55%-65%
speed and techniq. is 70%-80%
pass is 100%

My player:Radek Sloboda ...prntscr.com/fig8h8

For the position of PG is important to train the shot.Good ratink player affects the right training jump shot and aggress.

the ideal training:
can be:

Shot is 75%-85%
block is 40%-50%
pass and techniq. is 100%
speed 70%-80%
jump and agress. is 40%-50%

My player:Rostislav Dopita ...prntscr.com/figb1t

SF::: (190cm-205cm)
The easiest position for training.

the ideal training:
can be:

shot and block 70%-80%
pass,spedd,techniq,agres and jump 100%

My player: Vendelín Pavlus ...prntscr.com/figdai

PF::: (200cm-215cm)
Important positions for better tactics.Not to forget to practice shot and block.

the ideal training:
can be:

shot is 50%-60%
block is 60%-70%
pass is 45%-50%
techniq. is 45%-55%
speed is 75%-80%
jump and agress 100%

My player: Ladislav Majzlík ...prntscr.com/figfie

C::: (205cm-220cm)
Quality center is for to the team very important.

the ideal training:
can be:

shot only 25%-30%
block is 60%-70%
pass only 25%
techniq and speed is 40%-50%
jump and agress 100%

My player: Lukáš Ječmen ...prntscr.com/figiip

Please improve the practice and results of the Spanish U17.I was 4 seasons in the Croatian U17 and there it was the same.The team was bad and he was around 22 places in the ranking of nations.Today Croatia has a very strong team and is on the 10 place in the ranking of nations.
I'd like to do the same for Spain but I need your help:)


I am sorry:D

SG::: (185cm-200cm)
For the position of SG is important to train the shot.Good ratink player affects the right training jump shot and aggress.

the ideal training:
can be:

Shot is 75%-85%
block is 40%-50%
pass and techniq. is 100%
speed 70%-80%
jump and agress. is 40%-50%
My player:Rostislav Dopita ...prntscr.com/figb1t


Today important win against a strong China 91:74.Chance at the world Cup still alive:)


Today important win in China:party:In the middle of the qualifications we should balance 1 win and 3 losses.Now we have 4 wins and 3 losses.We have a great chance to advance at the World Cup.

Thank you all for your help and for changing the training of your players(y)


The Spanish U17 advances to the world cup(y):party::drinks:From a difficult qualifying group we were the third:)


Good work:drinks:


thank you for changing the training of your players;)


Coming to the end of the season.Let's see how's Spain with young players 15y.

:stars::stars::stars:TOP 10 players before the draft next season :stars::stars::stars:

1.José Manuel Alfaro ..540 OR...SF
2.Maximiliano Tierno ..524 OR...C
3.Antonio Charro ..524 OR..SF
4.Guillerme Rúa ..514 OR...SF/PF
5.Pascual Corrales ..509 OR...PF
6.Samuel Limón ..509 OR...SF
7.Unai Rodríguez ..505 OR..PF/C
8.Enrique Herráez ..480 OR..SF
9.David Taborda ..477 OR..PF/C
10.Pablo Sabugal ..476 OR...SG


I'm sorry but to continue in the Spanish U17 I won't.

Majitel balíku PRO Maďarsko Mamillare

thats sad news, why not?

Then Sabugal will be PG again. i havent decied yet.


Will continue my assistant.

Why not:
To improve the results must all help.Most but TOP Spain managers with lots of money.They should buy the best Spanish players and train them on the TC 15.A lot of quality players still has the wrong training.I'm on the all alone and only 3 managers help me and have changed the training.
I want to fight for the medals or see the improvement in performances and results.But without the help of Spain managers of first league it won't work:(

Majitel balíku PRO Maďarsko Mamillare


Good luck with your other projecs then!


A few examples:
Rodolfo Martorell fantastic PG but training is a disaster
José Manuel Luyando Excellent potential on the SG but the same story
Miguel Ángel Alemán The player with the AVQ 89% should be already in another team.

It is important talent to not kill.Spain has few players compared to Hungary or the Czech Republic.Therefore, it is very important the correct training.

Thank you and good luck next season;)


Congratulations on the purchase of excellent Croat:party:(y) I'll take care of him:D

Majitel balíku PRO Maďarsko Mamillare

Thanks. :P Me, too. :P

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