Vyber zemi: | Slovinsko |
Nujno rabim prijateljsko za 18. december. Sprejmem tudi vsako prijateljsko na dneve, ko še nimam dogovorjenjih nobenih tekem. Samo ponudite mi tekmo in jo sprejmem. Predlagam pa, da se igra pri tistem, ki ima večji stadon, da bova oba več zaslužila. Vsak nasprotnik prejme tudi mojo zastavico.
Urgently looking for a friendly match on 18th December. I also accept every offer for friendly matches on dates, that I have still available. Just offer me a friendly, and I will accept it. But I suggest that the home team has a bigger stadium, so we can both earn more money. I also give away my pennant to every opponent.
Urgently looking for a friendly match on 18th December. I also accept every offer for friendly matches on dates, that I have still available. Just offer me a friendly, and I will accept it. But I suggest that the home team has a bigger stadium, so we can both earn more money. I also give away my pennant to every opponent.
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