To som zvedavý, pre aké vylepšenia sa chalani rozhodnú...
Očakávam skôr drobné kozmetické úpravy, ale aj málo je lepšie, ako nič.
Vyber zemi: | Česká republika |
Hi all,
We owe you an update regarding the PPM game. You've shared so many proposals and ideas that we needed to hold meeting also this Wednesday to discuss them.
Our lead game designer is currently analyzing the suggestions related to game economy—many of them seem reasonable, especially those regarding attributes, but we need to carefully assess their impact on the entire game.
For those ideas that require development, I’ll be very honest with you here. The gaming sector isn’t doing well and we’re operating with much lower resources. We have fewer colleagues, which makes it tough to determine what we can realistically develop (and tough to set up the priorities), so we’re still evaluating the development complexity of some of them.
The truth is, I haven’t seen a community as engaged and supportive as this one, with so many responses and feedback on this topics. I hope you’ll appreciate my honesty here (and fingers crossed our CEO doesn’t kill me for it???????? ).
We’ll keep you posted!
We owe you an update regarding the PPM game. You've shared so many proposals and ideas that we needed to hold meeting also this Wednesday to discuss them.
Our lead game designer is currently analyzing the suggestions related to game economy—many of them seem reasonable, especially those regarding attributes, but we need to carefully assess their impact on the entire game.
For those ideas that require development, I’ll be very honest with you here. The gaming sector isn’t doing well and we’re operating with much lower resources. We have fewer colleagues, which makes it tough to determine what we can realistically develop (and tough to set up the priorities), so we’re still evaluating the development complexity of some of them.
The truth is, I haven’t seen a community as engaged and supportive as this one, with so many responses and feedback on this topics. I hope you’ll appreciate my honesty here (and fingers crossed our CEO doesn’t kill me for it???????? ).
We’ll keep you posted!
Bylo by to fajn...hokej na PPM si říká o nějakou vzpruhu už delší dobu.
Držím pěsti ať to klapne a změny hře pomohou.
Držím pěsti ať to klapne a změny hře pomohou.
To tak možná až budu mít fousatý děti . Od konce října, co měli mít tu schôdzu, na které se měla řešit budoucnost této hry, se vůbec ale vůbec nic neděje
Aha...Čekal bych nějaké oficiální prohlášení a od nové sezony by se to treba spustilo.
Škoda, hokej na PPM má neskutečnou komunitu a tradici, ale manažeři a mnozí velezkušení manažeři v zoufalství tuto hru opouštějí ????
Škoda, hokej na PPM má neskutečnou komunitu a tradici, ale manažeři a mnozí velezkušení manažeři v zoufalství tuto hru opouštějí ????
Tak jim napište a komunikujte s nimi oficiálně na tady jen plácáte prázdnou slámu. Zde si to nikdo nepřečte, ani vám neodpoví.
...a Osoba blízká PPM týmu? Ta nic neví...nebo by nemohla zjistit...?
Když ne, tak nevim, proč tou osobou vlastně jsi...
Když ne, tak nevim, proč tou osobou vlastně jsi...
Já se upřímně nezajímám a nejsem s nikým ve spojení, promiň.
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