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  Předmět: Het Nederlandse Team

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí tazzzmike

heb mijn faciliteiten nog niet dusdanig dat ik fatsoenlijk talent krijg en ze te trainen. :(

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Harry1972

23778668 Jimmy Taal te koop, aanstaande vrijdag tegen 8 uur is de deadline. 100.000. Ik zet zijn kwaliteiten bij de speler in de chat functie.

Next Friday 23778668 Jimmy Taal for sale.

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Lilian257

Geduld Mike

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí HHvan

Goed te zien dat er nog steeds mensen actief zijn in dit spel.
Zelf heb ik dit spel meer dan een jaar op een laag pitje gezet en er alleen voor gezorgd dat mijn teams niet verdwenen.
Een enorme achterstand in de jeugd en financiën heb ik helaas nu.

Maar de motivatie is weer terug. Teams gaan weer opgebouwd worden. Spelers zullen weer goed getraind worden.

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Harry1972

Top, fijn dat je weer motivatie gevonden hebt!

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Lilian257

Lekker bezig.We hebben allemaal wel eens een minder periode, maar fijn om te zien dat je het weer oppakt.

Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

The election is coming and we have readon for worry. Competition this season and they are Dutch. We respect national loyalty but we also believe in experience and commitment. We have basically scouted the entire Dutch player roster and are raising two guys just for the cause. We notice the rise of Stone City and would like to be a part of it. Kindly vote Roedb in the U20.

Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

U20 Report Card

I know the Worlds are still going but it doesn't hurt to report now. We have little chance in the last two games but will continue to play hard to the end.

First the positives - the club continues to improve, although marginally. Very frustrated to still not be able to Bosnia but that isn't the problem. If you want to see where things aren't going well, then have a look at the win over Spain. That game says it all. Yes, we beat them, but their team didn't have a GM and played very low. We hit tactics on them (of course) and outshot them something like 4:1. But it took a late goal and us having to go very high to win it. This is a VERY large problem and highlights the problems with this team. Anyways, here is my report card.

Goaltending - A+ - We had three goalies at the Worlds because this is the one area where we very strong. Beintema is a world-class goalkeeper and, if he is trained to an 800-400-400 level he will be one of the best in the game. The other two guys were also very good and trained properly. These guys kept all of the games close.

Defence - D - Very thin on talent, but especially the problem here is Technique. A lot of the guys have not been trained there. The Guide says that D-men with low technique take more penalties, which I am sure is true. I am also a believer that low technique makes their defensive play worse. If you check some of the best teams in the PPM world, you will see that, depending on their technique training skill number, they will train them even equal to passing and agression (a 2:1:1:1 ratio). This isn't necessary but these guys really need some work on their technique.

Wing - C+ - Not bad, lots of depth but the issue here (also especially with Center) is shooting. Almost none of the players on our team can shoot. Check out the enormously long shootout with Estonia. Nobody can put the puck in the net. The top nations in PPM hockey insist that wingers have a shooting number around 80-100% of their offence number. Our guys are around 10-20% mostly. This is another big problem.

Center - E - Really bad. No depth, little skill and, although I assume that shooting is more important for wingers, very poor there too. We hope for better next season.

So that's it. Again, I am not criticizing any GM out there, just letting you know what would really help. If I stay in this job, as my above post states, the big positive for the future in Holland is Stone City. The GM there has built up his training facility and is training the players the right way. He is still a season or two from really being competitive but he looks like a formidable team in the future (if he keeps playing).


Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

Oh, one more thing. If you guys keep me, I will speak about how he play our friendlies. If you have a good 19 year-old guy on your team that played at this season's Worlds, you will notice that he probably won't play in next season's friendlies. The reason for this is that his chemistry level (on the national team) is probably already VERY high. What this means is that there is NO REASON to play him in the friendlies, because all that will do is push the chemistry up to 100% and reduce his energy level, which is pointless. Harry (U18) and I discussed/argued about this earlier this season but I stand by what I say. I know that he plays his guys on very low in the friendlies and that is his choice. We, on the other hand, prefer to increase chemistry for the new 19 year-old guys and use extra players to fill out the lines. You might think that isn't fair as your guy, who is on the national team, doesn't play, losing out on experience. This is true but the big experience is at the Worlds and this is where your guy will play. There is also a training bonus during the friendlies so we rotate our best guys in and out of the friendlies even though they don't play. As long as they are on the roster then they get the training bonus. If this is confusing I understand, but please trust me that what we are doing our very best to do is to make sure that the roster for the Worlds is filled with guys with both maximum energy AND chemistry, to give the team the best chance at success. I am not criticizing anyone for how they play their team. This method, at the international game at least, I believe is the very best strategy.

Thanks for the read!


Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Harry1972

The point was more that you allow players to have playing time who have no business being in the U20 squad, simply because they are so bad they shouldn't have been selected. THAT is your choice. But also gaining experience by playing for players who matter is worth more than having players play who are simply not good enough for the team.

Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

That's fine. We care about the Worlds/team first. Individuals come second...Again, all respect.

Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

That's fine. We care about the Worlds/team first. Individuals come second...Again, all respect.

Majitel balíku PRO Kanada paulroedb

Shameless Advertising

Yes, I have no standards, but at least what I am about to say is true.

We have three Dutch guys in our line-up, and we just bid on a fourth. They are as follows:

Jansma - he is on your National Team, and will likely become a staple in the future. He is 25 and a CL 4 so he looks pretty "studish". I remember buying him as good will when I first ran for the Dutch national job. He has paid us back by becoming a stud. If I can afford him, I will keep him forever.

Christianson - He is on your U18 team. He is nothing special training-wise, but he is being worked as an offensive defenseman. In two seasons, he will be a star on the Dutch squad and then (hopefully) I get him. He will stay with Dunnville until he is 20, and then out come the scissors. His CL just won't last.

Taal - I bought him this season from I think Harry. He is good, not great, but will also be an offensive defenseman, and my club might keep him based on his CL development. He is only 15 so we have a long time to consider this.

I just put a bid on the goalie van de Leur, who came from IJS Beukers in the Dutch league. His training numbers are awful, but if I land him I can make him 400-200-200 by the time of the Worlds. I don't want him but he will likely be the best bet in net for the coming season. He will be 20 next season and then I will cut him.

Still, I will likely have four Dutch guys on my roster soon, only one that I truly want. This is where the shameless advertising comes in. I am committed to the Dutch program. I respect the guy running against me, but I think that his timing is wrong. I want to stay. If you guys are willing to train your players, then I am willing to make them get better.


Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Lilian257

Terugkomend op mijn post van 24 juni.
Ik heb aangegeven bondscoach te willen worden voor U18. Nu lijkt dat een zekerheidje te gaan worden, dus nog even een herhaling van hetgeen ik toen heb aangegeven.

Inmiddels heb ik 160 Nederlandse spelers van 15 t/m 18 jaar gescout. Hiertussen zitten hele fijne spelers, maar helaas zitten er ook diverse spelers tussen die echt niet goed getraind zijn. Er zullen dan ook spelers uit het team gezet gaan worden met een GV van boven de 1000.
Een voorbeeld hiervan is Bauke Sprenger (GV 1064 op papier de beste speler van Nederland voor U18). Hij is op dit moment in de volgende verhoudingen getraind als Center:
Aanval 100, Schieten 18, Passen 42 en Techniek 47.
Nu zou ik passen en techniek in deze verhouding geen enkel probleem vinden, maar een Center die totaal niet op schieten getraind is, wil ik niet in het nationale team. En zo zijn er nog een aantal die uit de selectie gezet zullen gaan worden.

Nog even voor de duidelijkheid wat ik verwacht van spelers qua verhoudingen van trainen:
Keepen 100 Passen 45-55 Techniek 45-55
Aanval 100 Schieten 70-90 Techniek 45-55 Agressie 45-55
Aanval 100 Schieten 60-90 Passen 45-55 Techniek 45-55
Verdedigen 100 Passen 45-55 Techniek 25-55 Agressie 45-55.
Sommigen hebben 1 van de waarden heel hoog staan in verhouding tot de andere waarden Dit vind ik persoonlijk zonde en zie ik liever gelijkgetrokken worden. Een voorbeeld hiervan is Richt wing Leroy Verhoeven. Hij is op dit moment in de volgende verhoudingen getraind:
Aanval 100, Schieten 93, Techniek 86, Agressie 57.
Het zou mooi zijn als Leroy voorlopig niet meer op Techniek getraind gaat worden om de verhoudingen weer op orde te krijgen. Leroy gaat trouwens wel een kans krijgen in U20. Zeker omdat hij pas 17 jaar is en nog een mooie toekomst te gaan heeft.
Als alle managers vanaf nu weer al hun spelers weer gaan trainen in de verhoudingen zoals hierboven is aangegeven, dan verwacht ik met 2 a 3 seizoenen weer een mooie selectie op te kunnen bouwen met de Nationale teams. En geloof me, als je spelers op de juiste manier traint, zul je daar met je persoonlijke teams ook zeker de vruchten van gaan plukken en sneller mee kunnen strijden om de top 3 plekken in de competitie. Dit zou ik en ik vermoed ook Harry zeer verwelkomen, aangezien wij de laatste 10 a 12 seizoenen binnen Nederland alleen concurrentie hebben van elkaar met betrekking tot hockey.

Ik hoop jullie hiermee alvast een beetje duidelijkheid te hebben gegeven op de selectie van spelers. Aangezien de selectie niet heel sterk gaat worden hoop ik eind van dit seizoen tussen plek 25 en 30 te eindigen, maar dat zal best zwaar gaan worden. Op dit moment staan we trouwens op plek 33 van de 36 op de wereldranglijst.

Groeten en veel succes en plezier allemaal weer het komende seizoen.

Majitel balíku PRO Nizozemí Harry1972

Zeker, een beetje meer concurrentie is altijd goed, maar niet te veel he!! :).

Vwb de plaats op de wereldranglijst, op het WK heeft het U18 team 5 van de 7 wedstrijden gewonnen, miste promotie op 1 puntje. Ik snap de puntentelling van de ranglijst niet helemaal, maar volgens mij horen we wel wat plaatsen hoger te staan, maar dat gaat jou vast lukken.

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