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4 formacje atak i deff, tylko żeby nie było numerów że do obrony zespoły będą wymieniać wszystkich sześciu zawodników, zdecydowanie to powinno być załatwione bo nie oszukujmy się w realu najczęściej widzimy 2 a 3 to już maks
tuttle powiedział:
"so, handball starting leagues - how it will be done exactly? I will explain in points:
1. only those who will have teams in beta will eb automatically changed to full version
2. all participants in beta will eb able to choose - i will start at the top, at the end or I dont care
3. those who will have teams in BETA CREATED SOONER will be the first who will get the places
4. because we wanted to enable people to paly together i the same leagues /friends or so/ we added also special part to the whole system - the auction
5. in the auction everybody will be able to bid for a place in choosen league - all leagues which will eb open will be announced before - exact times, for example III.2 15 30 CET friday
6. the auction will start for the first leagues - every 15 mins one place, next day the second leagues, next third and maybe next fourth - depending on country /some will not get IV at start/
7. maybe the first leagues will go for higher sum of credits BUT thats was not the target of ours, in leagues III -IV you will be able to choose league and you and your friends will bid for the places there
8. due to the fact that there are many leagues, we expect not any bidwars here, so for 10 credits you will be able to paly together with friends in the same satrting league - you will know exact time and simply made a bid to place one, friend to place two
9. at the end all places with bids will go to theose teams who won and the rest will be added depending by what have you choosen in your starting wish + when did you create your beta team
and one more thing to be clear: THE AUCTION WITH BIDS WILL BE DONE IN BETA BUT FOR FULL VERSION ONLY, beta will be given one by one
"so, handball starting leagues - how it will be done exactly? I will explain in points:
1. only those who will have teams in beta will eb automatically changed to full version
2. all participants in beta will eb able to choose - i will start at the top, at the end or I dont care
3. those who will have teams in BETA CREATED SOONER will be the first who will get the places
4. because we wanted to enable people to paly together i the same leagues /friends or so/ we added also special part to the whole system - the auction
5. in the auction everybody will be able to bid for a place in choosen league - all leagues which will eb open will be announced before - exact times, for example III.2 15 30 CET friday
6. the auction will start for the first leagues - every 15 mins one place, next day the second leagues, next third and maybe next fourth - depending on country /some will not get IV at start/
7. maybe the first leagues will go for higher sum of credits BUT thats was not the target of ours, in leagues III -IV you will be able to choose league and you and your friends will bid for the places there
8. due to the fact that there are many leagues, we expect not any bidwars here, so for 10 credits you will be able to paly together with friends in the same satrting league - you will know exact time and simply made a bid to place one, friend to place two
9. at the end all places with bids will go to theose teams who won and the rest will be added depending by what have you choosen in your starting wish + when did you create your beta team
and one more thing to be clear: THE AUCTION WITH BIDS WILL BE DONE IN BETA BUT FOR FULL VERSION ONLY, beta will be given one by one
Jak widać jest trochę nowości już w samych zapisach, będzie trochę zabawy

Również bym prosił, bo google tłumacz mnie przeraził z tym tłumaczeniem ( chodzi mi głównie o treść, bo to co tam przeczytałem mogę określić masakrą )

Z najważniejszych rzeczy to chyba to że miejsce w lidze będzie można sobie kupić i wcześniej będzie podane o której dokładnie godzinie będzie miejsce w danej lidze wystawione na sprzedaż.
Poza tym, o czym komanch nie napisał to to, że miejsce na liście oczekujących nie decyduje o tym do której ligi trafisz. W zasadzie nie oznacza nic, oprócz tego, że w ogóle na tej liście widniejesz.
Poza tym, o czym komanch nie napisał to to, że miejsce na liście oczekujących nie decyduje o tym do której ligi trafisz. W zasadzie nie oznacza nic, oprócz tego, że w ogóle na tej liście widniejesz.
Kolejność przydzielania miejsc losowanych będzie determinowana przez kolejność dołączania do wersji beta.
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