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  PowerPlay Magazin

Hungary's bid for WCH


February 7, 2010.

Hungarian Organizing Committee

... alias Kislacko coordinator,
... alias codric helper and
... alias Kityusz the Captain of Hungarian PPM-Team, and the general manager of National Team Hungary

Dear Evaluation Committee,

The bid of organizing of 1st Official World Championship in PowerPlay Manager was issued in PP Magazine on January 5, 2010. Today, I send you the Application of Hungary. We would like if the venue of the 1st World Championship in Division 1 will be in Hungary.

In the name of the Hungarian Community we believe, that the Evaluation Committee will find Hungarian Application good enough to transact this international contest.


Yours sincerely:  ..., alias Kislacko, the coordinator of the Hungarian Organizing Committee


The Summary of Application

The title of the Application:  Friendship without Borders

Introducing of the Organizing Committee's members:

Coordinator: ..., alias Kislacko

Kislacko - ... the coordinator of Organizing Committee: „My name is ..."

Helper: ..., alias codric
English: http://ppm.powerplaymanager.com/en/manager-profile.html?data=112507-codric

Codric - ... the helper of Organizing Committee: „My name is ..."

Captain of Hungarian PPM-Team and the general manager of National Team Hungary: ..., alias Kityusz

Kityusz - ... the Captain of Hungarian PPM-team, and the general manager of National Team Hungary: „My name is ..."

Unofficial members of Organizing Committee:

Utility man: ..., alias Stonehenge

Stonehenge - ..., utility man of Organizing Committee: „My name is ..."

Graphic: ..., alias hokitamogato572

hokitamogato572 - ..., graphic of Organizing Committee: „My name is..."

Supporter of Application

 Official IRL Partners

Dab.Docler - Hungarian Ice hockey team, the winner of regular season of 2009/2010 Hungarian Championship. This team has international sponsors, for example in Germany, Romania. Partnership agreement can be, if the World Championship will be in Hungary. www.dabdocler.hu gives us a banner appearance for a month. They ask from us clickable link under LIVE during the World championship.

Jegkorong.TV - Hungarian online TV of hockey, where hockey fans can watch summaries about ice hockey games. It has 4.000 visitors daily. Partnership agreement can be, if the World Championship will be in Hungary. www.jegkorong.tv gives us a banner appearance for a month, and put our promo video before one summary in each round of Championship (Now playoff is coming). They ask from us clickable link under LIVE during the World championship. After the WCH they would like to be normal partner of PPM, with banner exchange.

HajraPecs - Special sport side of Pécs. Pécs is one of the biggest city in Hungary. In 2010 Pecs is the Cultural Capital of Europe, so many visitors will watch the websites which is in contact with Pécs. Partnership agreement can be, if the World Championship will be in Hungary. www.hajrapecs.hu gives us banner appearance, and ask from us clickable link under LIVE during the World championship. After WCH the partnership can continue in normal partnership agreement.

All of three supporters' logo will be on ice-surface of WCH.

Donators of World Championship with credits:

ovika88 (ROM), bandi09, DLT99, Gaios, Bobes, loksi83, HockeyUngerese, santiagorosso, FEKA84, ferrri, nagytomi13, okmaci, nyugdijas, Josh34, Kende, check, Joves, Stanley765, Emzet (SVK), nidesz, Ifjvit, Antimat, Stonehenge, hokitamogato572, codric, Kislacko, Kityusz

Other helps to Application:

glowork.hu (scip85) - website, check - contact to Dab.Docler, nodel - contact to Jegkorong.TV, Josh34 - contact to HajraPecs, Knapp - creative ideas

Why Hungary?

As all Nations, we also send in our Application because we would like to be the venue of the 1st PPM World Championship.  We know that with the reliable of the Organizing Committee members and with our ideas, we can arrange a wonderful WCH in Hungary. All of the members of the Organizing Committee are PPM-Team members, too, whose names are warrant for success. In Hungary there aren't unnecessary PPM-Team members, everybody makes more tasks, not only one. Our members are doing their best for a long time; the members are changing very rarely. We organize a lot of things via Forum, like betting, free friendly cups (9th Carpathian Basin Cup is running), NT database, and so on. That's why we can arrange World Championship, too. The consistency and reliability of PPM-Team, the creativity of the Hungarian Community is guarantee of a successful World Championship. The partnerships can increase the PPM Community.

We only promise things, what we can achieve. Not more. We don't promise huge stadiums, lot of credits, betting website.

Targets of Application

1. Our main target is to make PowerPlay Manager more familiar with our Application. We would like to reach, that many new managers can come to play on PPM, and we plan that we help them not to go away after some days. Our application contains many elements, which can help us to reach this target. (you can see them in Annexes)

2. Another aim is to keep managers who found and started PPM. The most of them go away, because PPM is a very complex game, so it is difficult to play. Lot of managers don't know who can help them. To help solving this problem or at least decrease this handicap of newbies we will give them, and to all PPM managers a very easy tool.

3. Last, but not least we would like to give information to managers, and also would like to distract them during the World Championship.

Methods, which we give to reach our targets

1.)    Promoting PowerPlay Manager

- Promotion and fan videos of WCH


This video made for promoting of the World Championship. If Hungary wins the Application we will upload this video to other video sharing sites, for example to YouTube. But we allow to all managers to upload this video wherever they want.

- We make banners

- Banner exchange with our three partners, which you find above in Supporters Zone of this Application

2.)    To help newbies

- Creating of tutorial videos:

We make at least 10 tutorial videos about the most important functions, for example lines, tactics, market, stadium construction, facilities' building, training, navigation on PPM, employees, Sport Academy, etc. Of course we will ask you about, before making tutorials. First, you can see our first tutorial video about tactics setting:


3.)    Information and distraction

- Official website of World Championship: www.ppm-hungary.com

Website is now under construction. While construction is running, an alternate domain is working, where you can see WCH's website. This domain is www.ppmhungary.webalize.hu . Under construction time the design and contents can change. After construction the whole website will be move to its final place, www.ppm-hungary.com . Stonehenge is responsible for this webpage. He bought this domain and storage of data for 2 years. It will be fully operating before the WCH. The website will be available in three languages, in Hungarian, in English and in Slovak. After the World Championship it will be the Official Website of the Hungarian PPM Community. This site will be created by all cases, so if we won't win the application it will be only Hungarians' Community Site. In the future we will use this program to propagate PPM. First the functions which are necessary for the WCH will be created. It has its own forum. On the main page one banner of PPM will welcome the visitors. The logo of WCH, the promo and fan videos, tutorials and Mr.SpICEy will be also on it. The calendar, results, standings, match summaries, players and goalies' statistics, trophies will be also reachable in the different menus. The managers can download the stadiums ice paintings. The credit winners will have their own pages, and of course Club World Championship will be also getting its own pages.

- Club World Championship:

At the same time of PPM World Championship, from 13. March to 21. March a tournament will be arranged. In this tournament a Club will represent of every nation who plays on WCH, so 16 teams. This team will be chosen the Captain of PPM-Team, and the general manager of National Team of the country. Conditions on teams: the team hasn't got national team player, don't play promotion/relegation game after Playoff, because it is in the same time as WCH. The draw of Club WCH is the same as PPM WCH. Of course in Playoff will deflect from the PPM WCH's Playoff. It can have 2 different methods. First the teams have to arrange their matches as friendly match. It is a risky method, so very reliable teams needed. If PPM-Team can make us a special Credit Tournament for this Club WCH, it can be easy to create. Of course we give entry fees, and prices, which you can see below. The results, standing, statistics will be traceable on the Official website of World Championship.

- Prices for the Bests:

The prices in the time of World Championship will be at least 2500 credits.

Prices will go to:

- General Manager of World Champion 400 credits, assistant 200 credits
- General Manager of 2nd 200 credits, assistant 100 credits
- General Manager of 3rd 140 credits, assistant 60 credits
- General Manager of 4th 70 credits, assistant 30 credits

- Best goalscorer 100 credits
- Most assists 100 credits
- Best scoring 100 credits
- Best player in +/- rating 100 credits
- Best save percentage keeper 100 credits
- Tor scoring defenseman 100 credits
- 3 stars of matches, 1st star 3 credits, 2nd star 2 credits, 3rd star 1 credit (50x6=300 credits)

- Winner of Club World Championship 180 credits
- 2nd of Club World Championship 90 credits
- 3rd of Club World Championship 60 credits
- 4th of Club World Championship 30 credits


Left hand side there is the Logo of World Championship, right hand side the mascot of the World Championship. The name of mascot is Mr. SpICEy, which inspired by the famous spicy Hungarian paprika.


Arenas of the World Championship:

1. Icestorm (Budapest)

Capacity: 2600 (ready: 1700, +2x450 is under construction)
- 10 Snack bars (ready: 8, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- 10 Fan shop (ready: 8, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- 7 Press center (ready: 5, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (is under construction)
- WCH ice painting

Team: Kartal HC (I.1) - manager: okmaci (PPM-Team member)
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=16785
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=16785

2. Zuglói Karám (Budapest)

Capacity: 2400 (ready: 1500, +2x450 is under construction)
- 10 Snack bars (ready: 6, +4 will be built after stands are ready)
- 10 Fan shop (ready: 6, +4 will be built after stands are ready)
- 8 Press center (ready: 6, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (is under construction)
- WCH ice painting

Team: Zuglói Zuglovak (II.3) - manager: Dogfilko
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=17106
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=17106 

3. Glasshouse Caldron (Székesfehérvár)

Capacity: 2400 (ready: 1950, +450 is under construction)
- 10 Snack bar (ready: 5, +3 are under construction, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- 10 Fan shop (ready: 5, +3 is under construction, +2 will be built after stands are ready)
- 4 Press center (ready: 1, +2 is under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (is under construction)
- WCH ice painting

Team: Icegrinders (I.1) - manager: Kislacko (WCH coordinator and PPM-Team member)
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=16818
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=16818


4. Satan Doom (Szombathely)

Capacity: 2200 (ready: 1900, +300 is under construction)
- 10 Snack bar (ready: 8, +1 is under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- 10 Fan shop (ready: 8, +1 is under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- 6 Press center (ready: 5, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (is under construction)
- WCH ice painting

Team: Satan's Army (III.9) - manager: Stanley765
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=31035
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=31035

Reserve arenas:

5. AVS Arena (Győr)

Capacity: 2150 (ready: 1250, +3x300 is under construction)
- 11 Snack bar (ready: 5, +6 will be built after stands are ready)
- 11 Fan shop (ready: 5, +6 will be built after stands are ready)
- 8 Press center (ready: 5, +3 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (is under construction)
- WCH ice painting

Team: AVSFerri (III.3) - manager: ferrri
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=17384
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=17384

6. Jégverem (Szombathely)

Capacity: 2200 (ready: 1750, +450 is under construction)
- 8 Snack bar (ready: 5, +2 are under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- 8 Fan shop (ready: 5, +2 is under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- 8 Press center (ready: 5, +2 is under construction, +1 will be built after stands are ready)
- Scoreboard level 1. (if the WCH will be in Hungary)
- WCH ice painting

Team: Kityusz Penguins (I.1) - manager: Kityusz (Captain of PPM-Team)
Weekly donation of general sponsor and TV rights: x,y million
The money for the planned accessories is already available.

English URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/en/arena.html?data=16795
Slovak URL: http://hockey.powerplaymanager.com/sk/stadion.html?data=16795

These data are guaranteed, the constructions will be ready before the World Championship is starting. The needed extras will be ready; the money is available at all teams.

Every Arena gets special World Championships ice painting with its own name:

The painting is made, that it will be very visible under LIVE. Every text is easily readable. It contains the World Championship's Official Log, official website's URL. In he middle there are the Hungarian National Flag, and Coat of Arms. Behind the nets the name of the Arena and the owner's logo are shown. Besides these our 3 partners' logo is on he painting (Dab.Docler: www.dabdocler.hu, JegkorongTV: www.jegkorong.tv, HajraPecs: www.hajrapecs.hu).

We hope that our Application for the 1st Official PowerPlay Manager World Championship will be very successful, and we can welcome the best 16 National Teams in Hungary.

Your sincerely


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