
الفرق الخاصة بك:
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  منطقة البرو
1330 رصيد
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أنت الآن في الحساب العام. إذا كنت تريد أن تلعب أو تناقش أفكارك في المنتدي ، فيجب عليك تسجيل الدخول. وإذا كنت مستخدم جديد ، فيجب عليك التسجيل أولا.

  مجلة باور بلاي مانجر



可能您已经注意我们开始启用了新的用户界面。我们这几个月来一直在努力修改使得用户界面操作起来更友好些,看起来更漂亮些并对之前的界面进行升级。One of the most significant changes is the fact that forums are now divided into countries rather than languages. This has been done because there were voices that were asking for their own national forum section. The languages allowed in each national forum should be the official languages spoken in that country. English remains the language that can be spoken in any forum. If you want to be part of the worldwide community, you can communicate in the International forums.

I know that at first this interface might seem confusing to some of you because you were used to the old one. This is really a question of getting used to the new navigation. In a few days it will seem much easier to you. We are still tuning things and adding small features and reading your feedback all the time.

We believe that we have made a step forward here and hope that you will like the new look.

Have a nice day


هذا المقال متوفر في هذه اللغات:
Español, Argentina Беларуская Български Bosanski Čeština Dansk Deutsch English, Australia English Español, España Eesti Suomi Français Hrvatski Magyar 
Italiano Lietuvių Latviešu Mакедонски Nederlands Norsk Português, Brasil Polski Português Română Русский Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски Svenska 
Türkçe Українська 

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