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  Asunto: III.1


I'm hoping playing on Low gets me back into first place by the time the playoffs roll around=) What sucks is I played all but 2 or 3 games on Low last season and still got upset in the finals:( So I can only do the same things this season and hope for a better result when it matters. Or spend several million dollars on a ringer...

I generally have a development plan that I stick to, but sometimes you have to splurge:) At the end of season 2, I spent over 50K on a player for the first time (Oskars Asaris for ~375K). When Chobo beat me last season, I spent 500K for the first time (on a crappy Ville Kuno or something. I don't even know his name because he's crap). This season, it was real seats. And a restaurant. Next season, I'll do the same thing in section E for a capacity of 2700.


My next game is against the team that upset the Atomics, should be a good game :)


Wow. Another blowout in a big game. Nice 5-0 win, alien.

Were you not happy with the Brazilian goalie? I expected him to be your starter for a while. Ooh. You bought the new guy from HC Puppy! That's the first team in PPM:) [hockey_team=1]


Natal(The Brazilian Goalie) has a low AQ of 49 but a high overall so I'm gonna train him this season and he's young so that's a plus, I'm mainly playing him in the 3rd period if I have a decent lead so he can get some chemistry.

And Martin is a few points lower than Natal in the overall but has a AQ of 82 so I'm using him until I feel that Natal has improved enough to be able to perform at a consistent level even with his low AQ.
I paid a pretty penny for both of them so hopefully my plan pans out and becomes a good success for the team.

I had goalie problems last year, he would do good against low teams, struggle some against teams that were in the middle of the pack and then he was just to inconsistent against the other 3 teams in the top 4.


yeah game wasn't even close for me and I even had the right tactics. Well played!


This season should be great fun. We have a lot of good teams this season and the battle at the top should be a good one.


That AQ is very nice. My starter is only 68. The goalie on the 4th line LW is only a 62AQ. My goalie is screwing up this season. I think losing in the finals has messed up his head. He either gets a shutout, gives up a goal late to blow a shutout, or he gives up a bunch of goals on very few shots. Seriously. 4 shutouts and his save % is still only 87%. I really should upgrade the position but I can't bring myself to spend the cash=)


It's a shame all of the good games get played at the same time. We all play each other over a 10-14 day period [I'm assuming everyone's schedule is similar to mine and I'm too lazy to check;)] and then it's weeks of one logins and NoNs before we play again.


Buy them old, they're cheaper :P


Yeah, after I play the redskins I'm sending the boys off to their first camp. Couldn't afford to at the beginning of the season because we were all playing each other.


Did not have a good showing against the top teams. Only managed a win against the atomics who played on low. Need to work on the roster some more...


Haha. That's what I'm doing wrong. I usually limit my market searches to 16 years old max. I started looking for 17yo goalies, but they're still too expensive. I don't think I want someone too much older. I'd prefer to have the goalie grow with the rest of the team. My current starter is good enough for that. So I'm going to keep holding out hope for a studly goalie pull:)

Speaking of pulls, I finally got someone over 200OR- Geoff Garcia ! Showing 85AQ to me, but his qualities don't look as good (78O, 60S, 62P, 70T, 67A). I'll know for sure in 3 days. I'm hoping he's a very good center, but he's playing on the 4th line wing for now.


Well today 2 of the top 3 teams are gonna square off, should be a good one.

Oh and has anyone else noticed the quality of players coming in from the academy has diminished? I was getting in the 200-210's for a couple of times and then the past 2 times they've all been 170-190ish and I've only had one 200+ player since.
Has anyone else had this problem or is this something going on with my organization?


You were getting players over 200OR regularly? How many have you pulled over 200? Geoff Garcia is my first. I had another one around 195 earlier this season. No one else 190+. And I have a pretty good SA (level 7). Well, it's at a decent level, but it's not actually any good. I went well over a season between good pulls. My first four or five were very productive, but I didn't get another starter/future starter until I pulled Ridgeway earlier this season. And he's not very good either with his Shot & Tech Qs only in the 60s.

Good luck today:) Thankfully this is a home game. I'm over 600K in the red!


Bombsville wins 5-2! We needed that win. Now everyone has a loss=) Special teams led the way as we go 3-3 on the PP and only allow a 5-3 goal on the PK. One more big game against ZaZenbeast on Monday. I love this part of the schedule.

There was a sellout, too. That 640K will get me back into the green:)

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