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  Asunto: US Soccer National Cup


Yeah! I remember seeing the non-defenders in there...I figured it must've been something like that. Same thing happened to me in a league game a couple weeks back.

Then you completely dominated the next game and still couldn't put one past the keeper. Not a lot of RNG love for the US in that round.


Well darn (note that is not one of the seventeen words I shouted at the computer when checking the score today, but I'd like this post to not get deleted for profanity).

Apparently I failed to click save after setting the lineup last night, so we ended up with a default lineup. Not that it was a bad one...we still probably should've won that game. But that is not exactly the team I was hoping to put on the field.

Anyway, it wasn't official before today, but with Uruguay's 5-0 pummeling of Peru, we're mathematically eliminated from the tournament (even had we won today, we'd need a huge win over Indonesia next week to catch them). I'll fill those last three lineup spots and get some guys some experience and training boosts over the next few weeks. I'll also do some scouring of other leagues and review my spreadsheets to make sure the next manager knows where they stand when they take over. They'll have some interesting personnel decisions to make.


What's the deal with NT manager candidates? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate people throwing their name in the hat, but the 4 candidates so far are incredibly inexperienced, it seems. Is this our best case scenario?

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

There will be more experienced candidates that are known to be experienced and active in the forums closer to the end of the season. There are always random new players and foreign players who think there is an opportunity to manage the less prominent team (which unfortunately currently includes the USA in this game). Assuming that willmott doesn't want to continue his good work, someone who is or was at some point an assistant will probably step up.


Outsider is already running for manager. I'm guessing we will get a few more experienced candidates, though. Or at least I hope so... (Nothing against Outsider, I just like to have options)


I was thinking about it but it seems I can't win the big games in my league so I don't think I'll be a good candidate for the soccer team yet. I might need a couple more seasons of experience and then will give it a shot.


You have my vote whenever you do run. Unless we find somebody beforehand that performs well, of course. I decided I'm not going to run until I prove to myself I can move up to I.1 and stay there, which won't be for another 5-10 seasons probably.


Maybe if there's the U20 teams, I'd consider a bid for that.


Wouldnt call them upsets-- BUT no upsets today


Feels like my game was an upset. That makes it 3 seasons in a row that my ok-but-not-so-great team has made it to at least the semis.

I kinda wish my players cared as much about the league as they do the NC, but I can't complain too much I guess. :)


Willmott-- What are the odds you and I play again on Friday? 99%-- What a fun one sided rivalry!! Have I beat you yet in the NC? 0-4?


Did my homework and I am 0-2 against you in NC BUT... Chicago firehoses has my number at 1-3...


Willmott it is--- GL Friday.


Wow. Third time in four seasons, huh? Kinda fun looking back--the first one was 12-seed vs. 26-seed in the finals, and now we're up to 3rd and 4th.

Good luck!


I'm rooting for willmott since I want a rematch of last season's NC final! I doubt I'll get lucky enough to hold up my end, but who knows, I didn't even expect to get this far.

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