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  PowerPlay Magazín

PPMe Update! A new-and-improved version of PPMe is coming your way!

PPMe Update! A new-and-improved version of PPMe is coming your way!





Hello again my friends! Today I'm here to bring you news you've long been waiting for. PPMe, that beloved little extension many of you love and adore, has gotten a facelift! That's right, the prodigy coding genius that is Mr. Orange was at it again! This article will introduce to you some of the very exciting features added to PPMe and also give you a sneak peak at the improved aesthetics and functionality. This article will summarize what is discussed in a video released on the topic - FOUND HERE. Those of you with PPMe already will have yours automatically update. If you do not have PPMe you can download it from the appropriate links in the first post of our forum page (provided at the end of the article). The ETA of the next PPMe update is Monday September 8, 2014. So, without further adieu, let's get to it!

1.       Draft Implementation:

a.       Player filters!
The draft, especially in the new version, has seen computer mice manufacturers licking the chops! With all the clicking required especially in sports like hockey and soccer, we are spending quite some time finding all the players we want to scout. Well, search no more. PPMe has a built-in filter tool to the draft page. It allows you to filter for PrS and/or CL and/or Position. The image included shows a subset of Canada I.1's hockey draft page when searching for 5/6 universal players.

b.      Quick scouting queue filling!
With one click of the mouse you can add all the players in your filter to your queue by selecting "scout all players". You can also add individual players by clicking individual magnifying glass icons beside their name. For ProPack users, this means you can fill your queue with a couple mouse clicks.

c.       Non-Pro Pack compatible!
PPMe works with both Pro and non-Pro accounts. In the draft page PPMe allows both Pro and non-Pro users full functionality. However, non-Pro users will still be bound by their queue limitations so, if that's you, you'll still need to check daily to list players to scout. That being said, it'll be much quicker to find any matching players you wish.

d.      Disclaimer:
We have only had a chance to test the draft on a subset of the sports. Please be patient as drafts pop up and we quickly test to ensure PPMe is working properly.

2.       PPMe Basketball:

a.       PPMe is now applicable in basketball! More changes may come here as we learn more about the sport but, as it stands now, PPMe has full functionality in basketball. Note, without automatic practice setup the AP column will become NaN.

3.       National Teams:

a.       PPMe is now available in the National Team pages. NT managers and their assistants can use PPMe to analyze their NT rosters. The PPMe values here use the settings the managers have already setup.

b.      PPMe is working for Senior NTs at the moment with U20, U18 and U17 teams coming soon.

4.       Improved PPMe Control Panel:

a.       PPMe got a facelift!
PPMe's appearance is not only more appealing but also more functional. You can still turn off the EOR impactors (Energy, Chemistry, Experience) in addition to the newly option C/L impactor on EQ. The impact of all of these settings can be adjusted within the settings button (see "Improved PPMe Settings" topic below).

b.      Sorting by AP!
Not all players are trained equal. Well, at least not in my case. So what happens when my RM is compared to another RM and they have different training builds? Well, now there is an "AP" rating. This compares player builds based on their automatic practice ratios. This is a very quick way to determine player strength especially of guys who aren't trained to the same ratio. For example, is Dawdy a better LM than McDermott is LB? IT appears the answer is yes!

c.       Download to .csv!
You can still download this output to .csv. This download has customizable settings explained below in the "Improved PPMe Settings" section.

5.       PPMe Enters Player Profiles:

a.       PPMe is now available on player profiles. This exists for all players you own and for scouted players other people may own. This allows you to quickly compare players for whatever purpose you wish. Perhaps you want to know if your LM is better than an opponent's RB in soccer. Please note, in order for PPMe to get activated on player profile pages, you'll need to first set the page setting to non-Pro and then turn PPMe on.

6.       Market Improvements:

a.       PPMe has been complimenting PPM's market page for some time. The new interface has found its way onto the market page as well.

7.       Inactive Friend Filter:

a.       PPMe now allows you to remove all friends from your friend list who are no longer active. This is a huge time saver for some of you who are near the 500-friend cap and have to skim through to find people to remove every time you get a new friend request. You can also choose whether to remove friends from the chopping block before scrubbing them all into oblivion!

8.       Improved PPMe Settings:

a.       Customizable settings!
PPMe now comes with settings you can customize to make your own. Don't like the default chemistry or experience bonuses? Don't like how C/L hinders EQ calculations? Well, you can adjust these values and still turn them on and off as you desire.

b.      Quick load your ratios from training programs!
You can import your PPM training programs with one click saving you typing in the values for each position. Note, training programs are only available for Pro users.

c.       Customizable .csv download!
You can now change the order of the various items you wish to download into your .csv.

d.      Please Donate!
Here's the truth folks: Mr. Orange developed PPMe to make everyone's PPM lives easier.  He did this during his spare time between school, homework, exams and work. He has given up hours upon hours of his free time perfecting this tool for you to use. PPMe is free. It always will be free. But, if you want to show thanks to Mr. Orange, please click the donate button and show your appreciation via PayPal. As he said when we were talking (paraphrasing): "Hey, if it buys me a coke to make future PPMe developments easier on my end, I can't ask for more than that."


That concludes this brief dabble on all things new with PPMe. Please be sure to let us know on the forum if you notice anything not-quite-right with PPMe. A link to the thread is here: http://ppm.powerplaymanager.com/en/forums.html?data=topic-68996. Lastly, please seriously consider donating to PPMe. All funds (100% of them!) go direct to the programmer (that's Wessel, not me). There's a lot of work here, please show your appreciation however you can even if that is just a personal thank you in his PPM inbox.

Many thanks,
-Scott (and Wessel) 

Hodnocení článku: Slabý - Normální - Perfektní     Unikátních přečtení: 525

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